Page 24 of And So, We Fall

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“Here’s Jaxon’s number. Reach out. Tell him you’re on the case and that a public hearing has been set for next Wednesday.”

So much for getting my mind off him.

“So soon?”

“It’s either that or next month. And since Jaxon is staying in town for the duration of the sale, I got him on the agenda.”

Dave was being awfully accommodating. Almost as if he wanted this sale. Which, to be fair, he probably did. Men and money. It was a heady combination.

I took the note. Stood. And tried not to look as if I’d just swallowed asparagus.

“Natalie.” Dave stopped me halfway to the door. I spun around. “I appreciate you handling this so professionally. I know it’s a kick in the pants for you.”

If I were a guy, he would have said balls. And yeah, it was a real kick in the balls for sure.

“Thanks, Dave,” I said, heading out of his office and toward my own. If it weren’t so sunny out, I’d go to the inlet and work on my computer there. I tried to think of somewhere that I could be outside but shaded to see the computer. When I couldn’t think of anywhere, I sat at my desk and resigned myself to working indoors, at least for the morning. Might hit Devine Coffee House later if I got sick of these four walls.

Actually, they had tables with umbrellas. It was better than nothing.

Mind made up, I packed up my things and decided now was as good a time as any, my office was just too depressing today. On the way, I completed the dreaded call.

His phone rang twice before he answered.


Shit. I’d been expecting to leave a message. His voice was as deep and sexy on the phone as in person.

Obviously. Same guy. Same voice.

Duh, Natalie.

I tried to sound as dry and professional as possible. “Jaxon? This is Natalie Hartwell. Dave just assigned me to your case. I’ll be taking a look at your files today, but he wanted me to let you know you’re on the docket for a public hearing next Wednesday. I’ll email you the details.”



That was it? Interesting?

It took every bit of my willpower not to hang up.

“He asked that I call you. Which I’ve done. We can follow up at this point via email. Have a good—”

“Natalie. Hold on a sec.”

Ugh. “Yes?”

Another pause. He wanted to say something, probably not about the project. Maybe about Saturday night?

Inexplicably, he actually seemed to be as attracted to me as I was to him. Or at least half as attracted. At first, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but the tension between us this weekend had been undeniable. To me and my friends. The gig was basically up. Every single person that was at Boots and Brews saw it and commented on it, which was another good reason to avoid him.

A girl could only be so strong against a guy who looked like...that.

“Never mind.”


“Okay. I’ll be in touch.”

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