Page 4 of Castian

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The rope fell uselessly to the ground with a clatter.


Oye couldn’t believe that the warlock had given her the slip. She frowned down at the floor. Her rope of metal returned to the palm of her hand, where it reshaped itself into a metal ball once more. Releasing a frustrated breath, she let her magic leak out. She wasn’t completely in control of the club like her cousin, but anything metal that held a bit of magic would immediately pop up.

Squeezing her eyes tighter, she tilted her head and felt something black just in the purview of her mind’s eye. Turning on her heel, she made her way back towards the V.I.P area. She would get her hands on that intruder. She tightened her hold on her blade handle, praying he fought back so she could beat some sense into him.

She grinned; she would love nothing better to do than to get some of this frustration out. She’d had a morning from hell, and had hoped dealing with the riffraff of Veil City would calm her down, but instead as if sensing her current mood, her usual bad customers had been on their best behavior. Which had forced her to do the same.

Holding her blade tighter, she couldn’t help feeling a small bit of excitement over the disruption of peace. How long had it been since she could sink her teeth into something? And while she hated that Sabina was being targeted, the idea of Nerium possibly returning and her life going back to where it had been six years ago only enlivened her.

Entering the main V.I.P area, she ignored the surprised stare from Jessica, the host for the upper floors. Everyone who worked for the Shade knew her dislike for the top floors. Making sure to keep a low profile, Oye gave a cursory glance around. She immediately spotted a curtain to a private area shift, but no one entered.

“Jackpot.” Moving swiftly, she paused near the curtain. Close enough to hear the two-inside speaking.

“Friday should be good enough…”

Hands landed on her shoulders causing her to stiffen.

“Come now, witch. Why don’t you pretend you didn’t see anything?” An unseen British voice spoke, hot air brushing across her bare shoulder.

She scoffed, not bothering to look over her shoulder. “And let some warlocks intrude on our turf?” She laughed as she glanced up at him, her gaze deadly. “As if.”

She reached up, and grabbed his arm and with practiced ease she moved to throw him over her back only it didn’t work out the way she planned. With a surprised scream, and a masculine curse from him, both found themselves sucked through a worm hall and heap on the floor.

Castian’s hands rested on her bottom and her chest was pressed against his face. For a minute both were too shocked to say anything at all.

“Excuse me,” Lanias voice cut through their shared confusion. Her hands were up, currently warding off what appeared to be five golems attacking a barrier she’d brought up in defense. Her hair was wild about her shoulders, she’d obviously been getting ready for bedtime. “Do you two both mind pausing in your conjugal efforts to assist me?”

The two returned their gaze to one another, before they both scrambled up, both avoiding looking at each other.

Oye sniffed, quickly getting to work helping Lanias. While Castian shot her a curious glance before turning his attention to warding off the enemy.

She brought her hand down as she walked toward the attackers. A katana slipped out of her hand. Grabbing it, she ran forward fearlessly. The first demon’s eyes widened as she reached. Crouching, she shot up, bringing her katana. The sword bit into his throat. The demon cried out as it retreated but it was too late.

Cutting through his neck, Oye spun the katana around and slammed it through the Demon that attacked from behind her, staggering back she yanked the katana out.

With a gurgling sound, the demon fell to his knees. Straightening, she tossed all metal katana in the air where it morphed into a metal whip.

Snatching it out of the air she spun in a circle, the whip lashed out wrapping around another Demons neck. Licking her lips, she whistled. “Next time you guys should think twice before attacking.” With that, she pulled hard, and the whip snapped in the air. The demon spun as his blood flew into the air.

She clicked her tongue changing the whip into two short swords, and she looked around and spotted a few of the attacking demons getting taken out by the lashing tail of Castian’s Golem.

She walked over to Lanias who stood in front of Kahlia. “How long since their first attack?”

Lanias eyes were focused on the Demons that were being strangled by her black vines. “Maybe Thirty minutes. I think they planned this, it’s hard to get more than ten demons to work together.”

Oye agreed, “Yeah, where is Sabina?”

“She went out.” Lanias sighed. “If I’d known this would happen I wouldn’t have pushed her to go see that damn maneater.”

Oye glanced at her. “By pushed you mean?”

Lanias averted her gaze. “Let’s not focus on the particulars. At least we have one of the Jackals. It makes it a lot easier to deal with the pest.”

Oye glanced over to where Castian had pieces of demon bodies falling all around him. His eyes focused on what seemed to be a metal puzzle in his hands.

“Shit,” the Warlock exclaimed, breaking it and tossing it aside. “It’s too easy.”

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