Page 72 of Raijin

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“It means we get to do nothing but drink,” Lania exclaimed, with excitement completely ignoring the chiding look Sabina sent her way.

Tapping Kahlias cheek, Sabina regained her attention, “It’s means that we’ll spend time together without having to worry about work and school.”

Hearing this explanation, had Kahlia jumping off the bed. “Yay, no school or work for mommy. Let’s go.”

Lanias laughed, “Not yet, we have preparations that need to be made.”

Kahlia was beyond listening her mind already at the ocean, and exploring all the possible things she’d find. She’d already mentioned mermaids six times.

“Thank you for bringing her,” Sabina said to her sister.

“Don’t thank me just yet,” Lanias shrugged, “I figured it would be my best excuse to see you, to tell you what we’ve decided to do.”

Sabina grew somber, “And what is that?”

“We’ll be starting once again, the entire order.” Lanias said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, watching Kahlia dance around in excitement. “That Tiller guy knows about the Unseelie, the experiments on Numb Witches and he may have a hint that someone else is behind this but…He doesn’t know our involvement in any of it. Which is our greatest tool right now,” Saying this, she looked at Sabina, “No matter how much their helping you, remember they’re after that.” She pointed at her wrist. “When you discover what it is, I want you to do one thing for me.” Lanias added.

Weary, Sabina asked, “And what is that?”

“Lie,” Lanias said. “This story is ours. This problem is ours to deal with, those Jackals and the Council should be kept out of it. And the key to it all is hidden within you. So, don’t tell them what it is. That way, we can keep them from getting entangled with us. Understood?”

Immediately hearing that she should lie, had Sabina thinking about Raijin but she knew if she told him the truth, he’d immediately hand it over to Tiller, who’d use it for his own nefarious reasons. Lanias was right, it was best that they, the Nerium dealt with their past themselves.

Averting her eyes, she said. “Yes, I’ll do it.”

Seeing this, Lanias motioned Kahlia over. “Come here, and let Aunty show you how to make a boat using magic.”

Stopping in her tracks, Kahlia turned to her with bright eyes. “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

Sabina watched the two, even though she understood the reason behind her sisters choices and that they weren’t wrong. She still felt guilty about lying to Raijin, yet between them only laid a kiss and unspoken words. She needed to focus; her people’s lives depended on her.

Forcing her guilt away, she joined Lanias and her daughter in making boats out of magic made clouds.

Raijin would understand.




“Are you okay?”

Sabina who’d been watching the city pass by, from where she sat in the back seat of the car that the Jackals had picked her up in. Turned her attention to Raijin, who sat near her. He’d been oddly distant since he’d picked her up from the hospital a few minutes ago.

At first she’d thought it was because of his men and her sisters presence but she soon realized it was something else. She didn’t want to ask at least not around everyone. It was disturbing to her, how she’d so easily gone back to wanting a man’s attention.

She shouldn’t be so needy.

She was no longer the little girl who begged for affection and love from her ex. Maybe she needed to slow down and take a moment to reassess her attachment to the large Ogre.

She’d become attached to him because he’d been through the same thing as her. When she’d been trapped within the darkness he’d been the light at the end of the tunnel.

Sabina glanced at the bag at her feet that held a clean and folded red robe. The silk texture had made it difficult to clean but she’d managed somehow to get it done. Now she needed to figure out a good time to give it to the standoffish male.

“I’m fine,” she answered simply, two could play at short answers. “I just want this to be over with.” She brushed her hair from her face, bringing it behind her ear. “Hopefully, it’s not a trap this time.”

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