Page 66 of Raijin

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The doctor bent, starting his examination.

Turning to the others who were making their way to the exit, he called. “I want one of you to guard her door and let me know when she wakes up.”

“Aye, aye captain,” Castian said with a hand wave before he and the other Jackals left the room.




“Her blood pressure is low.”

Someone was speaking but Sabina could barely hear them.

“First remove those damn drainers off her.”

The cold chill of her body slowly abated but she still couldn’t move her limbs. She was trapped in the dark and no matter how much she wanted to scream she couldn’t open her mouth. Fighting herself, Sabina tried to reach for the light at the end of the tunnel, but it was too far away.

The sound of a piano filled her ears.

“Her heart rate has suddenly increased.”

The piano music grew louder, she wanted to cover her ears, but she couldn’t. Tears slowly slipped from her eyes. She knew what was coming as the volume of the piano grew.

If she didn’t close her eyes, she’d see it all over again.

The light overhead grew brighter, swallowing up everything. After what felt like forever it dimmed, and she found herself standing in the center of the woods. She turned around and saw the small shack on the hill. Fear rolled through her, as she grew more and more certain of what awaited her there.

Walking toward it, she felt the sharp stones cut into her feet.


She cried, searching for her sister. “Lanias.”

The sound of a scream caused her to glance back but there was nothing but the growing darkness. She ran desperately for the opening of the forest. She reached the end and came to a sudden stop as she arrived at the edge of a cliff and not her grandmothers shack.

Thousands of children’s hands reached up at her, their bodies black and burnt. Their magic boiling over and spilling out like a river of lava. She retreated a step. “No.”

Someone grabbed her from behind by the throat and lifted her into the air.

“Failures must be disposed of.” A disembodied voice said.

She was released into the dark abyss..

Screaming Sabina shot up, a restraining hand was placed on her shoulder.

“Sabina, Sabina.”

She struggled to recognize the voice; her mind still filled with memories of the bad dream. Pushing at the person, she soon realized the person holding her was her own sister.

“Shh, it was a dream.” Lanias whispered consolingly.

“L-Lanias,” she said between spurts of breaths.

“Yes,” Lanias drew back, her eyes filled with worry and assurance. “I’m here.”

With a cry of relief, Sabina threw herself into her arms. Lanias welcomed her with a warm hug.

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