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“Some of their friends and family members are trapped in Earth Realm, on the wrong side of theEcotone.” Reaching out, Azalea squeezed her hand. “Once you reopen the bridge, their kin will be able to return home.”

Truly blinked.The bridge?What bridge? Also… how, when, and where was this supposed to happen? “Azalea —”

“Don’t worry so much, Truly,” she said, picking up on her confusion. “You’ll figure it out. Everyone will remain patient while you do. We all know you’re young and have no mentor. But when you get back home, spend some time in your library. I don’t know what section the book will be in, but it’s there. Find and study it. When you’re ready, the bridge between the Mirror Kingdoms will make itself known.”

“Terrific,” Truly muttered, something else to be stressed about.

After listening to Montrose, she knew some Azlandians had been trapped in Earth Realm when theEcotoneclosed. Her ex-boss been separated from Brim for twenty-seven years. But the awareness hadn’t transferred to those missing loved ones in Azlandia.

The Yetis didn’t bother with the front gate. Without breaking stride, the pair stepped over the fence onto the front walkway.

“I’ll just go…” Truly pointed to the door behind her. “Wake them up.”

“Sure.” Azalea gave her another squeeze. “Enjoy your meal. Meet me in the town square when you’re done. I’ll show you the best way out of Weeping Hollow.”

With a nod, Truly opened the door and re-entered the cabin.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, hands gripping the mattress, bare feet planted on the floor, Westvane scowled at her.

“Supper’s here.”

He grunted.

Montrose shot to a seated position. A thump echoed as he smacked his head on the underside of the table. “Fuck!”

Biting back laughter, she watched him lean sideways. Gray fur sticking up at odd angles, bright blue eyes met hers from under the wooden edge as he asked, “What’s for dinner?”

“No clue,” she said, exasperation in her tone. “I might be a Door Master, but I don’t have x-ray vision.”

Montrose snorted. “Prickly.”

“Well, you’re annoying.”

Westvane huffed in amusement.

The Yetis set the baskets on the floor inside the door.

She nodded at the pair. “Thank you.”

The furry duo growled in answer, turned and left.

“Smells fucking fantastic,” Montrose said, nose twitching.

Truly rolled her eyes. No sense admonishing him for his language. Nothing she said would make him behave.

Grabbing the woven handles, Truly dragged the baskets further into the cabin and closed the door. Hurdle one-thousand-fifty-seven down, a billion more to go. Next obstacle up — Ipsalar.

She needed to find a way into the Hall of Scholars. Having her magic return — along with her ability to open a door and transport them out of Azlandia — sounded like a good idea too. Otherwise, she’d end up trapped in a city the queen knew well with few avenues of escape.

Heaving the baskets onto the table, Truly flipped the wicker tops open and set out the food while rearranging the things on her to-do list. So many items, too few solutions. With a sigh, she shelved her worries (along with potential catastrophes), deciding to tackle the problems later. After she enjoyed a good meal… and listened to Westvane lecture her some more.



Boots planted in front of a cave, Truly saw the next challenge clearly. She understood the danger. Difficult not to, given it stared her in the face. The dark hole didn’t inspire confidence. She’d never wanted to go spelunking. Now, as she studied the yawning mouth cut into the side of a jagged cliff face, she wondered (not for the first time) whether she’d lost her mind.

Or had a death wish.

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