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Also… a little weird.

Her gaze roamed Azalea’s face. Youthful. No wrinkles in sight. Other than the mix of white and dark gray in her dreadlocks, the woman didn’t look a day over thirty.

Curiosity got the better of her. “How old are you?”



Azalea chuckled. “Forever young.”

“But only if you stay inside Weeping Hollow.”

“Small price to pay. It’s beautiful here. Safe. Simple. Abundant amounts of fresh water. Food is plentiful,” she said. “But don’t go telling anyone on the other side of theEcotone. We’ll be overrun by humans in search of the fountain of youth.”

“All the diehards.”

“Exactly,” Azalea said, glancing toward the darkening sky. “What’s your next destination? Home?”

Truly shook her head. “Ipsalar.”

“The city?” Her newfound friend frowned. “Not a great idea, Truly. Lyonesse and those who sit the High Table call Ipsalar home. The royal palace rests on Temple Hill, carved into the mountain side, above the city.”

“Montrose told me, but I need to visit the Hall of Scholars.” She leaned back against the door, shuffling through information she already possessed, identifying what she’d yet to learn. “You mentioned a prophesy earlier… something aboutthe chosen one. Do you —”

“No,” Azalea said, shaking her head.

“Why not?”

“I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s nothing but a rumor. Most scoff, insisting it’s false hope for a better future, one that will never exist. Others —”

“Believe it.”

Azalea nodded.

“Well, either way…” Chewing on the inside of her lip, her attention drifted to the rose bushes abutting the garden gate. “Instinct tells me I’ll find the answers I’m looking for there.”

“No better place to find them,” Azalea murmured. “I’ve heard about the great hall. It’s said there are so many books, it would take a hundred years to count them all.”

Truly didn’t know whether to be encouraged by that or not. Once inside the hall, she wouldn’t have a lot of time. The information she sought might be specific, but she must locate it fast. Before the queen caught on and unleashed Priestly again.

“It’s a risk,” she said, one worth taking if she got what she needed from Brim.

“A big one.”

Truly shrugged. “So, supper?”

“Anytime now. Ah,” Azalea said, gesturing behind her. “Here they are.”

Truly looked in the direction she pointed. Two tall shadows approached the others milling around on the street. Lumbering gait. Enormous paws carrying baskets. Matted fur sticking up like crowns on top of shaggy heads

Truly mouth curved. “Yetis, right?”

Azalea nodded. “They were happy to oversee the preparation of your meal. It’s their way of saying thank you.”

“Why would they need to say —”

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