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The others all seemed enthusiastic about the idea, so I trailed behind, watching them all in disbelief. I knew it wasn’t fair of me—I had felt the power of mesmerization often enough to understand its effects. But it still seemed incredible that none of them felt the creeping sense of danger overlaying this strange place.

Their enthusiasm only increased when we reached the promised market, a bustling place that reminded me of all the markets I had visited in cities on the mainland. But as soon as I was standing among the stalls, I was forcibly reminded of the last occasion I had stood in a similar square. Looking around at the wooden stalls, all I could see was a different market, the stalls splintered and broken, the air full of driving rain and shouts of pain.

It took me a moment to shake off the memories, but it was long enough for me to lose my temporary companions. I spun in a circle, but they had completely disappeared into the crowd.

Instead of searching for them further, I wandered through the market alone. Seeing how established the town was, it was easy to believe a hundred years had passed. But in other ways it felt as if their separation from the mainland must have been recent. Even their style of dress echoed the current styles in Tartora.

A moment’s consideration made me realize why. Some of the Constantines must have visited Tartora to enact their sabotage of the crops. They would have needed to blend in, and the new clothing they brought back must have started a trend here. It was easy to imagine that the mesmerized locals would follow their ruling family in everything, hurrying to copy their styles.

I wandered along the closest line of stalls, admiring the various wares while I watched the unfamiliar crowd. I was just leaning forward to examine a beautiful length of cloth when fingers twined into mine.

I jumped, whirling to stare in consternation at a familiar face.

“Nik!” I gasped, but he laughed and shushed me.

Pulling me away from the cloth, he tugged me into a quiet nook between stalls. He was gazing down at me with a happy expression, but I could only manage a horrified response.

“What are you doing walking around like this?”

He grinned at me. “And why shouldn’t I walk around?”

“Why shouldn’t you…?” I spluttered into silence, and he dropped a kiss on my nose.

I stared up at him in increased shock. I had never seen Nik in such a lighthearted mood.

“Don’t worry so much,” he said. “Surely you didn’t think I would stay away from you?”

“But the risk! You’ll be seen by so many people in a crowded place like this.”

He shrugged. “And so what if they do see me? Locals will assume I’m one of the newcomers from the boat, and Grey’s followers will assume I’m a local.”

“What if one of them recognizes you?”

“They won’t.” He sounded supremely confident. “Those of Grey’s followers who encountered me in Caltor are still in custody there. Only Grey himself has seen me before, and he’s occupied up at the manor.”

I stared at him. “How do you know that?”

He grinned again. “I have my ways.”

I started to protest again, but he leaned in quickly and stole a kiss, silencing me with his lips on mine.

“I’ve been stuck in that hold for days,” he said when he pulled back. “I’m going to enjoy being free. And I’m going to enjoy it at your side. For once, I’m free to walk through a market holding your hand, and there’s nothing you can say to dissuade me. Please?”

He must have seen my expression soften because he smiled, his eyes flashing as he leaned closer to steal another kiss.

“You never know, you might even enjoy it.”


Iwas too shocked by Nik’s unexpected manner to keep protesting. But as we walked through the market side by side, I kept throwing him sideways glances. He caught me looking and flashed me a broad smile.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered, leaning close to speak into my ear, “I haven’t been mesmerized into a different person. I can promise that no one on this island has made physical contact with me. I’ve been following Grey for over a year now—I have a lot of experience keeping myself safe from healers.”

As he said the words, he lightly squeezed my hand where it was clasped in his, reminding me there was one healer he didn’t protect himself from.

I shook my head at him, but inside I was smiling. I was used to brooding, intense, focused Nik, but I couldn’t deny I liked lighthearted Nik as well. Was the change because we were no longer in Tartora with the shadow of his abandoned position hanging over him? Or was it because he had truly let go of the weight of bitterness he had carried for most of his life?

I still caught glimpses of the old intensity. When someone barreled past towing a hand cart and nearly knocked me down, only Nik’s quick reflexes pulled me out of harm’s way. And I recognized his look of ice-cold contempt when we overheard a stall keeper trying to cheat an unwary customer. But whenever he looked at me, the warmth I had previously only seen in veiled snatches shone from his face like a beacon.

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