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“I’m glad you didn’t. That might have been a bit hard to explain.” I chuckled.

“Thankfully I didn’t need to. But other people are up and moving about now. We might need to stay hidden here until after the ship has left.”

I nodded. “Yes, you should be safe enough here. And after we’ve left, you can move about freely.”

“We?” He grabbed my arms again. “What are you talking about? You can’t go with them!”

I shook my head. “Nik! Didn’t you hear a word I said? I have to go. The whole of Tartora is in danger!”

“Delphine.” He sounded dangerous, driven to the edge of desperation, although I couldn’t understand why my words were having no impact on him. “I am not letting you get on that ship.”

“Nik—” I tried again, but he cut me off.

“Think about what you’re saying Delphine. Even if we assume that everything Grey said is true—that the islanders are the cause of all this and that he’s the heir of their deposed leader—do you really think they’re just going to bow the knee when he arrives unannounced on their shores?”

“It is true,” I said, but my brow creased as I tried to remember the explanation for his question. I couldn’t seem to think of a logical one, even though Iknewthey would accept Grey’s leadership.

“Howdo you know?” Nik pressed on. “What evidence did Grey provide?”

I stared at him, unable to answer.

“I know healers can sense lies,” Nik went on, “but you know Grey is a master at getting around that. He must have worded his story in a deceptive way. There are just too many holes in it for it to be true. If the islanders have been living on that island for a century, why are they suddenly attacking Tartora now? And if all Grey knows about his heritage are his mother’s dying words, how, exactly, does he know so much about the islanders and what they’re doing?” His voice tightened along with his hold until it grew so firm I winced. “And, most of all, why does he need you, especially? If Grey is going to overthrow the island’s leadership peacefully, why does he need more than one powerful healer? If his story is true, you can stay right here with me, and Tartora will be saved, regardless.”

“No.” I shook my head. “Grey needs me to be able to save everyone. I’m essential.”

“Delphine.” Nik shook me slightly, his words hard-edged and his eyes terrified. “What has he done to you? Do you even hear yourself?”

“I…” I started, only to stop and frown. The roiling was back in my belly, but I still couldn’t put words to any of it. “I’m sorry, Nik. I guess I’m not explaining it well. But please believe me. I’m certain about this.”

Nik’s desperate grip slowly relaxed, growing gentle. His hands ran down to my wrists and then back to my shoulders.

“I don’t know what I mean to you, Delphine, but I’m begging you. Snap out of this madness. You cannot get on that ship.”

“Nik.” I looked at him, my eyes sad and pleading. “Think of Tartora.”

“No!” The word was sharp, his eyes blazing now. “I’m thinking ofyou, Delphine. You cannot do this. I won’t let you.” His grip tightened again, and it flashed through my mind that he meant to hold me captive here until the ship had sailed.

But instead he pulled me closer and lowered his head, pressing his lips against mine. When I didn’t resist, he pulled me closer again, one hand reaching up to cup the back of my head while the other wrapped around me.

Briefly his lips left mine, hovering half a breath away so he could whisper against them.

“Please, Delphine. I don’t know what he’s done to you, but please break free.” He gave a growl. “I won’t let him have you.”

The last words seemed wrenched from him, and he immediately pressed his lips back to mine, more forcefully this time.

I sank into his arms, my roiling stomach a discordant note from the joy soaring through me at his embrace. Surrounded by Nik, breathing him in and kissing him back, it was hard to remember my earlier sense of urgency. What reason could there be to ever leave this moment?

“Delphine!” Nik pulled back again, his low, urgent voice not leaving me alone. “Please! Break free!”

I reached up to wind my fingers through his hair and pull his head back down to mine. He groaned as he came, his hold tightening as his lips once again crushed against mine.

Nik cared about me, that much was obvious. He claimed to care about me more than the entire kingdom. And standing here in his arms, I knew—down to my bones—that the same couldn’t be said of Grey.

My certainty about Grey cracked, snakes of doubt slithering into the gaps. The spinning in my stomach surged, reaching up my throat. It had no place in this moment, and I reached for it with my power. No one belonged in this moment but Nik and me, and I would drive out the lingering whispers of Grey.

It had been months since I’d had need of my wall, but as soon as I decided to drive Grey out, it sprang back into being as easily as if I’d only dismantled it yesterday. It had been the first skill I perfected with my power, and the memory of it was strongly ingrained.

I let it push through me, driving the teeming discomfort with it, succeeding where my regular healing efforts had failed. In its wake, my mind and body felt light and free.

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