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“We haven’t passed anyone on the road all morning. There’s no one to see you with us. You can at least have some hot food.”

“I’m fine. I can—” A rumble from his stomach made him fall silent.

“See, your belly knows what’s best for it,” I said in my best imitation of Amara’s firm manner. “You can go skulking off on your own once you’ve eaten.”

“Skulking?” Nik murmured under his breath in disbelieving tones, but his feet followed me, so I let it go without comment.

As we rounded the trees, he picked up his speed until we were walking side by side, Phoenix between us. He looked from the bird to me and sighed.

“What would have happened to you if this gentleman hadn’t been on hand? Why do you insist on throwing yourself into danger whenever you see the opportunity?”

“I couldn’t just leave that poor creature. He would have died—” A shudder passed through me. But even knowing the eagle’s end, I couldn’t have just walked away and left him there.

“Didn’t you even think about your own safety?” Nik asked sourly.

I looked at him, warmth filling me.

“No,” I said simply. “I didn’t need to think about it because I knew you would.”

“Me?” He looked sideways at me, a guarded expression in his eyes.

I nodded. I hadn’t thought about it in so many words, but ever since Nik had appeared in the fields near the village, I had been conscious of his watchful presence, just out of sight.

“It might have seemed like I was walking alone in the woods, but I felt safe because I knew you were watching over me.”

“I nearly didn’t get there in time.” Nik’s words came out low and gravely, as if he was judging himself.

“But you did arrive in time,” I replied with a smile. “You always do.” I patted the sheath at my waist, my smile brightening. “And I found a good use for this.”

“That’s not why I gave it to you,” he grumbled, but a small smile played around the corners of his lips.

“Delphine! There you are!” Amara’s exclamation made us both stop. “I was about to ask Ember to lead me to you. What took you so…” Her mouth fell open as she saw the state of my dress and hair. “What in the kingdoms have you been—” She cut herself off for a second time when she finally noticed Nik, Phoenix still perched on his arm.

“It’s a bit of a long story,” I said. “But we have two extras for the meal.”

“A prince and a merlin falcon.” Amara shook her head. “I should be surprised, but somehow I’m not. Sit down and tell me from the beginning.”


Amara had prepared a simple stew, but she made me scrub my hands and face before she let me taste any of it. I could see the concern in her eyes, so I told the story as simply as I could, pausing only to shovel in mouthfuls of bread and stew.

“And so you’ve been following us,” she said to Nik at the end of my tale. “I wondered.”

He gave her a closed look. “I told you I would.”

“Not in so many words!” I protested, nudging his shoulder with mine.

He didn’t respond at all to my attempt at playfulness, eating with quick efficient movements.

“His Highness clearly didn’t see any value in going to the capital,” Amara said dryly. “I surmised the rest.”

Nik met her eyes, his expression hard. “I don’t have patience with wasting time.”

“But you do want to see Delphine protected.”

He continued to meet her gaze without flinching. “I will ensure it.”

For a moment, the crackle of the fire was the only sound.

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