Page 33 of Trouble in Texas

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“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t,” she said, pushing up to her tiptoes, making access that much easier.

With her lips this close, it didn’t take much to kiss. Her hands came up to his chest and grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, then she tugged him closer. He parted her lips with his tongue, and she released a sexy little moan against his mouth that caused blood to flow south.

Kissing Reese was up there on his list of his favorite things. In fact, the sparks flying between them were something he hadn’t experienced since—since... Sinceher.

By the time they separated, they were both gasping for air. He smiled as he brought up the backs of his fingers to brush against her cheek.

Beautiful Reese. Dangerous Reese. Foolish him. Because this would only lead to more heartache for him when she bolted back to her life. Normally, casual sex with her would top his list of favorite things. With their history, there wouldn’t be anything casual about sex.

Darren took a step back and dropped his hands to his sides. “We should get going.” He could hear the gravelly quality to his own voice, so he coughed to cover. It was an unoriginal move, but his head wasn’t exactly on straight right now, or he never would stoked his desire with that kiss. Because it had him wanting more and Reese had limits—limits that would have her running for the hills if they got too close.

And he needed that heartache like he needed a hole in the head.

Besides, all his attention had to go to his girls right now. He could date casually, dip his toe in the water, but he couldn’t afford to get attached to anyone again. Especially now that he was committed to taking the paternity test. The results could add ammunition to a court case, but he vowed right then and there to fight for custody with everything he had if his former parents-in-law decided to challenge parental rights. His bank account was no match for their money. They could afford to hire the best attorney—an attorney who could run circles around him in court.

A noise sounded outside, in back. Normally, that wouldn’t register as alarming.

Darren locked gazes with Reese. “Stay away from windows and doors while I check this out, okay?”

Eyes wide, she nodded. And then immediately crossed the room to grab a knife. Darren kept a shotgun in the hall closet with a box of shells on the top shelf, far out of reach of little hands. He grabbed both and loaded a pair of slugs.

Armed and ready with his finger hovering over the trigger mechanism, he slipped out the front door. Reese had the presence of mind to lock it behind him. Good. He realized a few seconds too late that he should have told her to, but she was on it.

Back against the house, he raised the shotgun barrel toward the sky before rounding the first corner. Adrenaline pumped so hard that blood rushed in his ears, making it difficult for him to hear.

Taking the first corner, he moved fast and lowered the barrel. He scanned the area. No sign of anyone. Without hesitating, he kept going until he could see the backyard. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw movement.

Darren bolted toward the male figure who was running fast and hard. Pumping his legs until his thighs burned, Darren did his best to catch up to the bastard who’d been in his backyard. Iris’s tricycle had been pushed up against the house, near the kitchen window. He heard the back door open and assumed Reese followed.

Anger ripped through him. The runner was fast. He disappeared into nearby trees and then the sound of a motorcycle engine firing up filled the air. Darren released a string of swear words. Whoever was after Reese could be checking his home to see if she was there or coming for him. Finding answers and talking to Tandra’s family just jumped up the priority list. So did carrying a weapon at all times.

As he headed back toward the house, an explosion rocked the ground. A ringing noise filled his ears as he bolted toward the sound. Fire ravaged his small home. His cell phone was inside so he couldn’t call 911.

Where was Reese?

As he neared the blaze, he called out for her.

Just as panic coiled in his chest, he saw her. She was on flat on her back with her hand over her heart, lying in the grass.

“Reese,” he said as he ran toward her full speed.

She didn’t move.

Chapter Fourteen

Darren’s panicked voice broke through the ringing sound in Reese’s ears. She rolled onto her side, winced and coughed as he dropped down to his knees beside her.

“Hey,” he said as she blinked up at him. “Where does it hurt?”

She could barely hear him. Her throat and lungs burned from smoke inhalation. Talking was next to impossible. She reached for him and grabbed on to his forearms.

“Help is on the way,” he said to her. Reading lips helped her understand what he was saying. “Hang in there. Okay?”

Reese nodded. Movement hurt. Whoever the bastard was trying to erase her had another think coming. Trying to sit up was a bad idea. Moving was a bad idea. Looking into Darren’s eyes and seeing his concern for her was a bad idea. That last one made her wish she’d done things differently. Since regret was nothing more than a waste of time, she pushed aside the sentiment.

“You’re going to be all right,” Darren soothed. His voice brought comfort even though the dark cloud feeling overhead made it feel like it would be short-lived.

“Your home,” she said, managing to get the words out through a cracked, dry throat.

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