Page 98 of Discovering Lily

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Sitting in my roomafter my mother left, I got a text from Vance telling me that they were still in town and I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing they weren’t states away, only miles. It’s crazy, I know, but without them here with me I felt like all the pieces of me they held together would have just broken apart without them. If I didn't know what I was feeling for them before, I knew for sure now. This whole thing had definitely re-enforced how much I genuinely loved them both. A knock at my door broke me out of my thoughts. When I opened it up, I found one of my parents staff members. “Yes?”

“So sorry to disturb you ma’am, but Mr. Gatti is here and has requested to see you.”

I instantly saw red, knowing he'd been the reason behind what happened to Vance and Brice, and blew past the woman, thanking her as I stormed downstairs to shove a very large piece of my mind right up Vitale’s ass for what he did. As I charged down the stairs I saw his smug face come into view. “You are such a fucking asshole!”

He raised his hands up in front of him in a surrendering motion. “Whoa, what's got you so upset, Lillian dear?”

“Don't you fucking Lillian dear me! You know what I'm talking about! You’re the reason papa kicked Vance and Brice out of here this morning! You told him what we were to each other before I could, knowing he would react that way!”

Stepping towards me, trying to intimidate me like I strongly felt he had done in the past, explaining that fear I felt at my first thought of him, he grabbed a hold of my arm and began to pull me to the back of the house towards the set of French doors that lead out to the back gardens.

“First of all you need to stop talking to me like I'm some fucking punk that's beneath you.” He growled at me, squeezing my arm painfully enough that I knew a mark would be left on me that I would have to no doubt explain to Vance and Brice the next time they saw me.

“Fuck you! I hate you!” I yelled, trying to wrench my arm free from him, wondering why neither of the two bodyguards that have been left here at the house to guard me were not interfering with the way he was man handling me right now. “Take your hands off of me!” Looking at useless asshole number one, I asked. “Aren't you going to do something? He's hurting me!”

“He is your fiancé and he has every right to keep you in line. The only time I'm told to interfere is if he hits you, that will not be stood for and Mr. Gatti is well aware of that. You’re completely safe, Miss Marchetti.

“Safe?! That’s such bullshit!” I spat as Vitale continued to drag me out the doors.

“Sit down!” he shouted, pointing to the chair behind me on the patio as he released my arm.

“I'm not some dumb woman that's going to just do everything you say Vitale, so ask me nicely first.” I dared push him, staring up at him with my arms crossed and a defiant look in my eyes.

“Fine!” he bit out, running his hand through his hair in frustration. “Please sit down, we need to talk.”

Sitting down, I kept my arms crossed, sending him a clear message that I wasn’t open to anything he had to say right now. “Just say whatever it is you came to say, and then get out.”

Watching me in silence for a moment, he finally spoke. “You’re different now.”

This getting my attention, I looked up at him. “How?”

“You’re a stronger woman than I remember, you would have never acted like this with me before, let alone speak to me with such vulgar language.”

“Well you took something I love from me by telling my father, you knew he would react that way.”

“I did,” he simply stated, looking almost guilty for the pain he'd caused me. “But I had to put us on a more even playing field.”

“Even playing field?!” I yelled at him, frustrated that he'd taken every chance I had for my father to see my relationship with Vance and Brice the way I did by springing it on him the way he did. “What are you, a child, Vitale?! You got them forced out of my life! There's nothing even about this! You did it out of spite! I love them, Vitale. Both so much my heart aches when they’re not near me. Do you really want to marry me, knowing that every time we are together I would be thinking of them? Dreaming of them? I already told my father that you two have one year of my life to fulfill my duties to this family and then I'm out. I will divorce you and go crawling back to them, praying the whole way that they will still have me. If they don’t I will live out the remainder of my life alone and never love another the way I love them. Is that what you were hoping for when you told my father about us? Because that's what you’ve done. I. Will. Never. Love you.”

Silently his eyes dug holes into my soul. “You’re right. Maybe I went about this the wrong way. Maybe I should have just had them fucking eliminated like I wanted to!” he shouted at me, standing up.

Fear paralyzing me, I screeched out. “No!”

“Then show me some fucking respect for my decision to remove them from your life and not eliminate them permanently from life itself!”

“Miss Marchetti.” Useless bodyguard number one said, poking his head out the set of doors.

“What?” I snapped back at him.

“Your mother is requesting your presence and wants me to take you to her.”

Happy to be out of this discussion with Vitale, I told him. “Okay, let me go upstairs and change really quick and I'll be ready to go.” Getting up to leave, Vitale’s grip on my arm stops me.

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