Page 96 of Discovering Lily

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Greeted with a long silent pause, I asked. “Momma are you still there?”

“I’m here Camilla, but I don't know about this, something doesn't sit right with me about this whole thing, and your father wouldn't want me going out by myself. You know that he always insists I take one of his men with me when I go out.”

“Take Dante with you then, he can protect you. I’ll just tell Luca that was the only choice we had, and he’ll just have to deal with it.”

“All right but I really don't like this, Camilla. I still think I should call your father and tell him what's going on and let him handle Luca.”

“No! Please Momma, Luca said that if anyone but you shows up he's going to kill all of us starting with papa! He told me that someone has eyes on him right now and is just waiting for his call. Please, we can't let that happen.”

Silence took over the conversation once again, and then a deep sigh. “Okay, where am I meeting you two at.”

Once I’d given my mother the name of the hotel to meet us outside of I disconnected the call. “See worked like a charm.”

“Like a charm my ass! Why the fuck did you tell her to bring that asshole Dante? What, you plan on fucking him again!?” Luca accused pissed off. “Besides, he’ll tell your father and then we’re fucked!”

Turning to look at him, I ran my finger up and down his muscular arm. “No he won't, besides, I did it for you, baby.”

“For me?”

“Doesn't it make you crazy, knowing that he's touched what's yours? Tasted what's yours?... Fucked what's yours?”

“Enough, I get your point. He dies, and I'm the one who's going to get to kill him.”

“I want to rid us of my past mistakes and move on with our future together. He's part of the past and I figure that it’s the least I can do after hurting you the way I have. I don't know what I did to deserve you Luca, but I think I'm falling for you all over again. I feel like that little girl who saw the cute neighbor boy at the park on the monkey bars for the first time all over again.”

When he cracks a smile at the memory I'm painting in his head of us as kids, I feel like I missed my calling, I should have been and actress with the way I can weave shit together and make people believe it.

“Okay, but that piece of shit dies right away. I'm not going to risk him calling or texting your father with his location.”

“Agreed.” As we waited in the parking garage under the hotel we finally spotted the car with my mother and Dante in it. Luca flashed our headlights to alert them to our location of where we parked in the back area, away from any nosey passerby’s. When Dante pulled the car up alongside ours, Luca screwed on the silencer to his gun and reached for the door to get out. “Be careful, I don't want anything to happen to you.” I tried to sound like the caring girlfriend.

“I got this; don't you worry,” he exited the car, rounding to the driver’s side of my mother’s car while checking the area to see if we’re still alone.

Watching Dante exit the vehicle and standing to his full height, he dropped to the ground almost immediately after Luca beat him to the draw. Shoving Dante back into the car, he shut the door and the opened the back-passenger door to help my mother out. Taking her phone and purse out of her hands, he threw them back inside the car just in case there was a GPS tracker on either of them before escorting her over to the back of our car. When she gets in I turn on my superior acting skills once again and pinch myself hard enough on the leg to get my eyes to water before I turn to face her. “I'm so sorry to have to drag you into this Momma, I was just so scared he would kill papa or you. I had to try and stop him.”

“I know Camilla, but this all still doesn't add up. I know you; you aren't going to allow some man to push you into doing something like this, not even with your own family’s life on the line. You’re stronger than that. Your father taught you to be stronger than that.” When Luca slid into the drivers seat, we began to pull out of the garage when my mother started to question him. “What's really going on here, Luca? This whole thing doesn't sound like you at all?”

“I'm sorry, Mrs. M. I really didn't want things to come to this.”

“And what things are you referring to, Luca?”

Not able to listen to them any longer, I let my true self show in front of my mother for the first time in my life. “Luca is just doing what I told him to do, Momma.”


Turning around to face her, I was frustrated that she really was this dumb. “What Momma, you really thought Luca could ever threaten me and I would allow that to happen? You said it yourself, that would never happen. So you knew better than to believe that. After all I am my father's daughter, am I not?”

“So it really was you? All of this? The kidnapping? Hiring Gustavo, and the poisoning? It was you?”

“Yeah it was all me. What's so hard to believe about that, Momma? You always knew deep down I was a bad seed just like papa.”

“Your nothing like your father, Camilla. He would never go against his own blood.”

I scoffed at her remark. “You both have always been against me my whole life! You gave all your love to your precious Lillian!”

“That's not true and you know it. We’ve always loved you both equally.”

Getting angry with her denial of the things, I knew to be true, I snapped at her “I'm done with this discussion. We have more important things to do. Now I want you to use this phone to call Lillian,” I handed her a disposable phone and a piece of paper with an address on it. “Have her meet us at this warehouse out on I-90, but first we are going to the bank and you are giving me every last cent in my trust.”

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