Page 95 of Discovering Lily

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After hanging up withone of my father's men, Dante, I now knew more than ever what I would have to do. “They are coming for us Luca, I have to do this, there's no other way.”

“If your father gets wind of this he will kill you.” He gritted out in a low voice as we checked out of our current hideaway and moved on to the next one, so no one knew where we were from one moment to the next. “Momma won't tell him, not when she hears the story I'm going to tell her.”

“I'm almost afraid to ask what that will be.”

Walking out of the hotel, we got into the car. “You’re definitely not going to like it, but I'm going to tell her that it was you that forced me to do all of this because you wanted to have me marry Vitale. That way you could later kill him so you could marry me and hold all the power with your new position as head of the family.”

“You’re going to what?!” he shouted at me, almost getting into an accident.

“It's the only way she will come. I'm going to tell her that you are holding my life hostage unless she comes alone and gets you the money out of my account so you can flee the country now that they are on to you.”

“What the fuck am I supposed to do when this plan of yours doesn't work, Camilla? I’ll be a dead man and you know it!”

“Calm down, baby.” I placed my hand on his thigh, squeezing it as I moved my hand up to rub over his cock through his pants. “Don't you love me and want to run away with me? You always begged me to do this with you and now it seems like you’re backing out on me.”

Letting out a frustrated breath he began to calm down. “I do love you Camilla, and I want nothing more than to get the hell out of this town and spend the rest of my life with you, but I’m also scared shitless about what can go wrong with this plan of yours. We will both end up six feet under if it doesn't work.”

“I promise, it's all going to work out.”

I tried to assure him, even though I'm still not sure that he will make it out of this alive at the end, because the only ass I’m worried about in this whole situation is my own. If it comes down to me or him... well let's just say I'll be traveling alone. Do I feel bad about that? Not even for a second.

“Okay, I need you to be quiet while I make the call to get her to come to us.”

“Try not to trash me too much.”

Chuckling, I mumbled to myself a little too loudly, “yeah right,” drawing a frown from him. “I have to make this sound real Luca.”

“Fine. Whatever.” He snapped as I placed the call.

After one of the house staff went to find her, she finally got on the phone. “Hello?”

“M-momma, Momma it's me.”


“Yes, Momma.”

“Camilla, what have you done? How could you turn against your own sister like this?”

“It wasn't me Momma, I swear! It was Luca, he made me do it, all of it, he wanted me to marry Vitale so he could kill him and then marry me so he could become head of the family.”

“Luca? That doesn't even make and sense, Camilla. He's never been a power-hungry man in all the years I've known him. What would suddenly happen that would make him change?”

“I-I don't know but he told me that if I didn't go along with him he was going to put a hit out on you and papa, and I couldn't let that happen. I even hired Gustavo behind Luca’s back to take Lillian to his island and keep her safe until I could figure out how to get out of this whole mess without harm to her. I had no idea Gustavo would try to hurt her the way he did and keep her a prisoner. I would never intentionally hurt her Momma; she's my sister and I love her.” I professed, finishing off an Oscar winning performance as I sobbed over the phone. “Please help me Momma, please.”

“Oh Camilla, I had hoped that we were wrong, and you wouldn't do that to your own flesh and blood. How can I help? Do you want me to call your father?”

“No! Luca is afraid of him.”

“For good reason, your father will hunt him down if he harms you or your sister.”

“Trust me he knows that, that's why he wants you to come alone and meet us at a hotel we’re headed to now and then for you to sign for the money in my trust so I can withdraw it and he can flee the country before papa or Vitale find him.”

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