Page 85 of Discovering Lily

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When we boarded, Vitale’sjet he attempted to get me to sit by him, knowing that I was nowhere near ready to expose my relationship with Vance and Brice just yet to my family, but thank God my father intervened before he could. Over the course of the flight, I caught Vance, Brice and Vitale exchanging some tense words and looks with one another, effectively holding my attention and not hearing what it was my mother is saying right now.

“Lillian, dear are you listening to me?” She questioned, following my line of sight before I'd been able to yank my eyes away.

“Yes, of course I am, momma.”

“Then you’ll be staying with your fiancé?”

It was then that I realized what it was she’d been asking me. “I’m not his fiancée anymore, remember? Camilla is and I think it should just remain that way for now.”

“Nonsense.” My father interjected. “It's you that he wanted Lillian, and we already discussed your demands and they will stand. You will give the marriage one year and if you do not love him or have any children with him I will allow you your divorce. But I think Vitale might fight you on it, that man seems hell bent on making you his wife.”

“I know papa but...”

“But what, baby girl?”

Not thinking this was the time to get into this discussion with all these bodyguards, hot tempers, and weapons on board this plane, I simply answered. “Nothing never mind.”

When we landed, my parents helped me off the plane and into the awaiting limo, causing me to cringe with every movement. “Do you need one of your pain pills, honey?” My mother asked.

“I'll take one once we get home and settled in, they make me too sleepy to take right now.”

“All right.”

Once I was situated in the limo, I expected Brice and Vance to follow, but at the last minute Vance informed me that they were going to give my parents and me some time alone. It was when I saw them climb into Vitale’s limo, though, that I became worried.

Driving down the road, my father’s phone rang and he moved to the other side of the limo to take the call, leaving just my mother and I. “So are you going to tell me what’s going on with you and those two men who hover over you like a husband should his wife?”

“I-I.” Stuttering at her question I had no way of knowing how to answer her without upsetting her and causing my father to kill them both just to make her feel better. Finally thinking of a way to explain things without upsetting her I told her. “They are just protective momma, like older brothers would be. They’ve taken exceptionally good care of me since finding me in Mexico and have been with me and protected me through everything. They’re the only reason I'm able to be here with you and papa right now. If it weren’t for them, I would be a sex slave to some sick twisted monster right now, or worse, to Gustavo.”

Tears started to form in her eyes. “My poor bambina, I can't believe all you’ve been through and survived. We will find Camilla and figure out just what happened and if she was really involved in everything that happened to you.” She looked down at our joined hands. “I always knew she was jealous of you, but I never thought it would drive her to do something so terrible. I should have seen her for what she truly is.”

When her tears began to fall it caused my own to follow suit. “It's not your fault, momma. None of us knew she would turn out like this.”

“Still,” she said, shaking her head. “They care about you, you know. I can see it every time they look at you, and I know you care about them as well, it's in your eyes whenever they’re near, Bambina.”

“Momma, please, let's just drop this for now. I'm too sore and tired right now to get into this whole discussion with you.”

Staring at me for a few moments she finally nodded her head in agreement. “I'll let it go for now, but as soon as you’re feeling better I want to know the truth behind what went on while you were missing, and what exactly those two men mean to you.”

I held back the tears that started to fill my eyes thinking about what they meant to me.

Arriving at home, I was surprised that as soon as I looked at the house, I remembered all of it, inside and out. “Do you recognize your home. baby girl?” My father questioned.

“I do.” I answered with tears clouding my vision at the joy I felt getting more of my memory back.

Now if I could just remember how I ended up in the hands of Luciano, and if it were really only my sister that had a hand in my disappearance.

When I exited the limo, Vance and Brice were there waiting to help me out. “Easy, sweetheart,” Vance muttered loud enough to draw a raised brow from my mother. I knew she wasn’t blind. She knew that there was more going on between us than I'd been willing to reveal.

“Thank you,” I said as they gently helped me out of the car and up the front steps. As soon as my father opened the door it was like a flood gate of memories were released on me all at once. The wall I marked up with a crayon when I was five, the piano I learned to play on when I was ten, the kitchen where Momma and Nonna taught me how to cook when I was old enough to reach the counter. Walking to the back windows, I could clearly see the stable of horses my sister and I used to ride.

“Now I see where you got your riding skills from. You were raised with horses, weren't you?” Brice spoke up, following behind me.

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