Page 84 of Discovering Lily

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Hearing Vitale yellat her inside her room had me reaching for the door in anger, and Hudson reaching for me to hold me back. “You don't want to do that just yet man, she's not yelling for help so give her a chance to stand up against him on her own two feet before you go running in on your white horse.”

“She's a strong woman. She's not going to take shit off of that guy for long before she starts piling it back on him.” Carter finished saying only seconds before we heard Lilly yelling back at him with a tone of anger in her voice I'd never heard her use before. “See? Told ya.” Carter smirked.

“Well she may be tougher than we give her credit for but I'm still not going to let him speak to her like that ever again in my presence, I'll put my fist through his face first.” Brice vocalized what it was I was thinking.

After another few moments, Vitale exited her room, stopping to look at both of us. “You gentlemen ready to square off against me for Lillian’s hand? Because I just officially entered this running for her heart, so you two better get ready for the battle of a lifetime.” He walked away, leaving Brice and me with looks of anger on our faces.

“Fucking prick,” Hudson mumbled.

“Don't worry about that asshole. He's fighting a losing battle.” Carter added.

“I really hope you’re right.” I told him.

While Lily was resting and then getting her final exam, Brice and I had went home to get a change of clothes and pack our bags, having left Hudson and Carter at the hospital to guard Lily. We didn’t want that fucker, Gatti, to snatch her away when we weren't around to stop him. After we spoke to Kelan and looked at the images, he was able to get off the cameras, we weren't able to see a full view of the man’s face when he was outside her room, but thanks to Kelan’s smarts and I think his need to make up for the whole phone cloning incident he had decided to scope out the rest of the cameras in the hospital and finally found a clear image of the guys face. He was also able to get an image of the woman he’d met up with.

Luca Balducci and Camilla Marchetti.

Five hours later, Lily had finally been discharged from the hospital and all of us were on our way to the airport to fly back to her home in our nemesis’s jet.

Fucking great!

When we all boarded the plane, Vitale tried to persuade Lily into the seat next to his but her father put the kabash on that shit and sat her in between him and Lily’s mother, I couldn't help but chuckle at the situation, drawing a cold glare from Vitale.

Good, fuck him!

On the flight back to Lily’s home, Brice and I went over all the information we’d gotten from Kelan on locations to search for Luca and Camilla. One of those places had been a motel out in Rosemont that they were sloppy, and Luca paid with a credit card one time. After that it didn't take long to track the two of them down on the security cameras coming and going about ten different times.

“You two know something you’re not telling me, don't you?” Vitale blurted, breaking into our discussion.

Looking up at him, I reclined back in my chair. “And what if we do? You really think we would tell you when we know you’re holding on to your own information that you’ve kept from us?”

“Yeah, say maybe you tell us what information you were paying Gustavo for that had you so tight lipped about and we might think about sharing what we know with you.” Brice stated flatly.

“There's nothing to tell because the information I wanted from him he wouldn't give to me.”

“Then why pay him the one hundred K if he didn't tell you anything? Seems like and awfully expensive non-answer fee.”

He chuckled. “You two know nothing of the world people like myself and Lillian live in, and you never will. That is why it will be me with her in the end. We are too similar to one another, whereas you’re not. Keep your information. I probably already know what you found out anyway.”

He got up to move to another seat. “Well if that were true I can guarantee that you wouldn't be on this flight right now, at least I know I wouldn't be if I were in your shoes with this information that is.” I replied as he sat down.

Shaking his head, he pulled out his phone and began texting someone, no doubt trying to figure out what I was alluding to. Looking back over to us he leaned in closer. “It must just be killing you two not to be able to touch Lillian in front of her parents, but I bet that's because you know as well as she does that her family will never accept such an arrangement. It would be seen as an embarrassment to the family. And in our world gentlemen, that's a weakness we can't afford.”

Turning back around in his chair, he returned to typing on his phone. It took everything I had inside of me as well as the hand Brice gripped my wrist with to hold me back from laying him out. “Fucking prick.” I mumbled only to receive a smirk from him in response.

Brice leaned over so only I heard him. “Don't let him get to you brother, it will be us with her in the end.”

“I hope so.” I grumbled.

When the plane landed there were three limo’s waiting for us. Seeing how Lily’s parents hadn’t released their grip on, her, not that I blamed them, it looked like we’d be riding back with them. Carefully sliding Lily into the limo, her parents got in after her. Just as I was about to get in, I heard Vitale call out. “How about you gentlemen ride with me and give the family a little privacy.”

Both Brice and I exchanged looks with one another and decided what the hell maybe we’ll just have things out with this piece of shit on our way there. “Lily we’re going to ride in the other limo and give you and your parents some time alone together, but don't worry we’re right behind you, okay?”

“Okay.” She answered, grimacing from the pain her back was in. All I wanted to do was wrap her up in my arms and soothe her. Knowing I couldn't touch her right now was killing me the same way I could see it was killing her.

Shutting the limo door, we made our way over to Vitale’s limo. “Ready for this ride we’re about to take, brother?” Brice asked.

“Sure as hell am.” I responded before sliding in.

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