Page 66 of Discovering Lily

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When the line wentdead, my eyes saw red, knowing that fucking prick thought he was going to try and take her away from us. And what pissed me off even more was Brice agreeing with that shit. But I knew why he did it and I was thankful for the leads we now had on her, but I had to wonder, at what cost? “You know that I had to agree to his terms in order to get that information. I hope you know that, because I have no fucking intention of giving Lily back to that asshole.”

I sucked in a deep breath. “I know brother, I know. This whole situation is fucked up.” Spotting the exit, we needed, I quickly changed lanes to get off. “Let's just hope we catch him before he's able to take her off the Port.”

Pulling into the parking area, we both hopped out of the SUV and began to search the area. After a few minutes of searching, I heard Brice call out my name. “Vance! Over here!”

Quickly running over to where he stood with a security guard, I asked out of breath. “What? What did you find?”

He pointed at the guard with a solemn look in his eyes. “This guy saw a woman that fits Lily's description being dragged away kicking and screaming to a helicopter before he said it looked like a man stuck something in her neck and she passed out and went limp.”

“Fuck!” I shouted out in frustration. “Did you see the direction it went in?”

“Looked to be flying Southeast, I called the police, but they still haven't arrived yet. They did say that there was an APB out on the girl.”

“How long ago was this?” Brice asked him.

“I would say about twenty minutes ago. I-I would have intervened, but both the men were heavily armed.”

“Both? There was another man?” I asked him.

“Yes, he landed here in the helicopter about a half hour before the other guy showed up with the girl.”

“Show us where you saw them struggling at.” I told him.

“It was right over here.” He pointed to an area by one of the many warehouses out here. Searching the ground, I finally found what I was looking for and scooped it up, showing it to Brice.

It was the ring.

He closed his eyes, jamming his fingers through his hair like he was trying to register the hopelessness I knew we both felt right now, and then it hit me.

I held my hand out to him. “Give me your phone.”

Scrolling through his contacts, I finally found the number I was looking for and hit the call button. “Larson here.”

“Larson, it's Vance. I need another favor from your friends who run those satellites.”

“What do you need?” I proceeded to give him the location, time, and the direction the helicopter took off in as well as the information Vitale gave us about the island off the coast of Mexico. “Give me about twenty minutes.” Then the call dropped.

After the police finally arrived a few moments later, we gave them the rundown of what was going on and who we were working with at the FBI. They took all the information down and informed us that of course there wasn’t much they could do outside of their jurisdiction but would keep an eye out for both of them should they return to the states.

Brice's phone ringing in my hand drew my attention away. “Martinez.”

“Hey, I have a location on that helicopter. It did in fact land on a small island off the coast of Mexico. There's only two ways onto it; by boat or helicopter. You know as well as I do, if he's taken her out there, I'm sure it's heavily guarded, so arriving in a helicopter would only be a suicide mission. What you need is someone who can get onto the island undetected by way of water.”

I let out a heavy breath, knowing just what I needed to do. “And I know just the guy for the job, but it's going to kill me to have to call him in on this.”

“It will kill you more losing her.” Larson reminded me of what I already knew.

“Which is exactly why I'm going to suck down my pride and make the call.”

After I’d hung up with Larson, I called Kelan to get the number I needed and then made the call. I needed to set things in motion before I let Brice in on what I was doing; knowing he'd view having to work with this guy again worse than having to work with Vitale.

“Rigs here.”

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