Page 27 of Discovering Lily

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Hearing her confessionput us one step closer to making her ours, but there was one thing I didn't think I could hide from her anymore, and that was her identity.

“Why don't you go get changed into something more comfortable. Vance and I need to make a quick call to check in with Kelan.” I told her, drawing a very confused look from Vance, and a frown from Lily.

“B-but what about the shoes? You want me to leave them on still?” She asked, hopeful and confused by the direction I'd just taken this night in.

“No, it's fine, take them off. We want you to come back out here when you're done, though. We're not finished with our discussion yet, okay?” I assured her.

Letting out a sigh of relief when she got up, I knew that she was thinking we were giving her the brush off again, so I decided to re-assure her that we weren't. “Come here,” I said, pulling her by her hands to stand between my legs.

“What?” She smiled up at me coyly.

I want to tell you a little secret.”

“Oh ya? What's that?” She asked, leaning down close enough to breathe in her vanilla scent she wore before I kissed her lightly on the lips. “We aren't brushing you off, okay? There's no way after what happened at the club tonight, we can go back to denying how we feel about you anymore. Now give Vance a little kiss so he doesn't feel left out.” I instructed her with a wink.

Leaning down she gave Vance a quick kiss before leaving with a beautiful smile plastered across her face, walking into her room. “I'll only be a few minutes.”

“We'll be right here, sweetheart.” Vance called back to her.

When her door shut, he looked at me. “We will be here, right? What's this call we have with Kelan?”

“Let's go into my room.” Once the door was shut, I let him in on my thoughts. “I can't do this. I can't start something with her without being totally honest about what we found out about her. It's just not right. I know you want to protect her and so do I, but do we really want to keep lying to her about who she really is?”

“Then we risk the chance of losing her.” Vance pointed out.

“Then that's a chance we have to take, we can't keep hiding things from her. It's only going to come back to bite us in the ass later if she happens to hear it from someone else, like big mouth Carter. Man, I'm going to beat his ass the next time I see him for meddling in our lives.”

“You're right about telling her, though. When did you step up to be the sensible one?” Vance chuckled, slapping my shoulder.

“What can I say, I learned from the best.”

“That's true. But you do have to admit Carter, did do us somewhat of a favor by blowing the lid off this whole situation before God forbid, we both lost our shit.”

“Yeah, I guess you're right. I guess I'll let him live... for now.”

“But when we tell her, she needs to know just how dangerous this whole situation is, and who these people really are. She can't just go running off to find them until we've figured out who wanted her gone before we introduce her back into that world, but I've got to be honest, I really hope we don't have to.”

“That's something she'll have to decide for herself after we tell her everything we know. It is her family and when we do tell her we'll protect her, no mater what.”

He nodded his head. “Agreed. Now let's go tell her and hope for the best.

When we walked back out, Lily was already back out of her room and waiting for us. “Geeze you guys talk longer on the phone than a woman.” She joked, lying back on the couch.

Oh how I would love to just bury myself deep inside of her right now and forget this whole shit storm we're about to discuss ever existed.

“We have something to show you, can you sit up?” I asked her as we both sat down on the couch on either side of her. “We... uh...we found out who you really are.”

Swallowing hard she looked almost scared to hear the answer. “You did?”

I handed her my phone and pointed at the photo on it. “Yes. Here's a picture Kelan found of you and then there is the caption below that explains who you are.”

Looking at it, she let out a small gasp. “It's him.”

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