Page 17 of Discovering Lily

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When Kelan came insaying that he bad news, I prepared myself for the worst, but what he told us next had me worried that this whole thing was about to get even more dangerous than I could have ever imagined.

“So I finally found a missing persons report with her exact description, but the name of the person on the report has been blacked out. In fact, it had been buried so deep that no one would have ever found it. No one but me of course,” he smirked. “So when does it say the woman in the description came up missing?” I asked.

“A month and a half ago. But it's the person who reported her missing that you're not going to like.”

“Who?” I asked, dreading his response.

“It was non other than Vitale Gatti.”

“The mob boss in Chicago?!” Brice practically shouted.

“One in the same. But when I dug into his family background, I found nothing showing that she's a member of his family. So, one of two things would be my guess. Either he's trying to find her to harm her for whatever reason. Or she's someone important to him. Being that we found out that she is a virgin we can obviously deduct wife from the list, and I would assume possibly girlfriend as well. I don't see a man like Vitale being one of those types who waits until marriage, but you never know. Maybe he indulges on the side until he makes her his wife, if she is in fact his girlfriend.”

“So the question is; what does he want with her?” I mumbled to myself as I got a sinking feeling in my gut.

“Exactly.” Kelan answered. “I'm going to go though every photo I can find on the guy and see if anything pops up with her in any of the pictures. But if you want to know who she is, unfortunately he's the one you're going to have to talk to. We also need to know who is behind burring all her records because that will lead us to whoever is responsible for her ending up where she did without any memory. Someone wanted her out of the picture, that's for sure.”

“Thanks, brother.” I let out a heavy breath, leaning back in my chair.

“Sorry I don't have better news.”

Brice spoke up first. “Not your fault. I'm only glad we're finally getting somewhere.” After Kelan walked out, Brice shouted, “fuck!” Before I could. “This is not, man.”

“I know, but if he wanted to harm her do you really think he would have reported her missing to the authorities?”

“I think anything is possible. He could have some of them on his payroll, so he's using every outlet to get her back.” Brice answered.

“Yeah, I thi...”

Hearing a knock on the door, interrupting our conversation Brice strode over to open it. “Here she is, back safe and sound so you can take the hit you put out on my ass off now.” Carter joked, walking in with the woman, both of them laughing at his joke. God, he pisses me off. Always the one to have the women just eating out of the palm of his hand.

“Thanks, man,” Brice said.

“Well I've got to head out. I've got a meeting with the owner of that new night club, Tryst, that's opening this weekend. He needs a few back up bouncers for the first couple weeks.” Turning to the woman, he finished. “It was a pleasure hanging out with you this morning, and you know where to find me if you need anything.”

“Yes, thank you, it was a lot of fun.” She replied with blushed cheeks.


With a kiss on the cheek and a wink he headed for the door at a quick pace before Brice or myself could beat his ass for touching her. We hadn't even kissed her yet!

Brice pulled out a chair for her. “Here, please sit.”

“Did you have fun with Carter?” I questioned.

She smiled. “Oh yes, he's so sweet, and so funny. He really put me at ease with meeting everyone.”

I bit my tongue with what I really wanted to say. That's good. I'm glad you felt comfortable meeting everyone.” I got out just as there was a knock on the door and T entered.

“Here is the information on your fli...” Stopping mid sentence, T took in the three of us and not a second later I watched the moment she put it all together. Clearing her throat, she continued. “As I was saying, here is the information on your flight and hotel as well as the rental car they'll be delivering to your hotel for you. A town car will pick you up at the airport.” Looking at Brice, she asked, pointing at the woman. “Were you able to get Agent Walker to give her the temporary ID?”

“Yeah, he's supposed to messenger it over tomorrow. I told him to put it to your attention just in case we are out of the office when it comes in.” Brice replied.

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