Page 14 of Discovering Lily

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The Woman

As Carter led me awayfrom Vance and Brice, I only felt a slight pang of fear before he made me feel completely at ease with his outgoing and funny personality. When he started to introduce me to the first woman, we saw, I was curious as well as a little embarrassed to hear who he was going to introduce me as since I don't know my name. But in true Carter fashion, as I was getting to know quickly, he surprised me. “Good morning, Judy. How are you doing this morning?”

“I'm doing good.” She answered, eyeing me.

“Judy this is, beautiful. Beautiful, this is Judy.” Looking at Carter as if questioning whether or not that was my real name, he went on. “Undercover name.” With a wink thrown her way she got an oh moment look on her face before a confused one replaced it.

Leaning forward, she held out her hand to me. “Well it's really nice to meet you. Are you going to be working with us here?”

“She's actually going to be doing some odd jobs here and there this week to help us out.” Carter filled in for her before I had to answer.

“Well if you need anything, my office is just two doors down from Carter's.”

I released her hand from mine. “Thank you. And it was nice to meet you as well.”

As we walked away, I looked up at Carter. “I was wondering who you were going to introduce me as, but beautiful? You could have just made up a name for me.”

“Why when we're going to know your name here real soon anyways? Besides, beautiful fits you,” he smiled, tugging on my arm. “Come on let's go meet the others.”

As we made our rounds, we made our way down yet another hallway. The moment we turned the corner we came face to face with the biggest man I think I'd ever seen, and all it did was remind me of all those men who kept me a prisoner and did those awful things to me. He had to be about six-foot four, pure muscle, and bald, giving him a mean look. Retreating backwards a few steps, I just stared at him as my back hit the wall. “Whoa, whoa, it's okay. Bruno here, he works for us, there's no need to be afraid of him.” Carter assured me.

The big guy, I couldn’t drag my eyes away from, leaned down to me, nodding his head as he said one simple word. “Ma'am.”

Instantly I felt a flood of relief wash over me as I reminded myself over and over, he's not going to hurt me, I'm safe.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you,” he said soothingly.

I swallowed past the lump in my throat. “It's... it’s okay. I'm the one who should be apologizing. It was rude of me to act like that. I was just a little taken aback by your size.”

Chuckling, he said, “yeah, I get that a lot, so no worries. So, what's your name?”

“Beautiful.” Carter blurted out before I could answer.

“Beautiful, huh?” He asked, looking back at me. “Well I guess your momma knew what she was doing when she picked out your name.” He winked.

“Hey, hey, back that shit up there big guy unless you want Vance and Brice up your ass later.” Carter warned him jokingly.

A look of surprise shot across his face. “Oh, I didn't know. Well it was a pleasure meeting you, Beautiful,” he said, walking away.

It was then that I got an idea. I was so stupid; I had the one person right in front of me this whole time who could answer all my burning questions about Vance and Brice and I'd been wasting it. But not anymore. “Can I ask you something, Carter?”

“Sure shoot.” He answered as we hopped on the elevator.

“What's the deal with Brice and Vance?”

Getting a look on his face like he wanted to tread carefully he asked. “What do you mean?”

“D-do they share women?”

By the surprised look on his face, I already knew my answer before he could say anything. “I uh... well... their situation or preferences are not my story to tell. Maybe you should ask them. Have you tried asking them your question?”

I shook my head. “No, there's never really been a good time to ask.”

“Well if you really want to know you'll find the time. Is there any particular reason that you want to know?” He questioned, eyeing me closely.

I decide to confide in him a little. “Well, I've been with them for a little over a week now but...”

Oh God this is more embarrassing than I thought.

“Go on.” Carter encouraged as we stepped off the elevator and he led me to sit down in what looked to be a lobby.

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