Page 110 of Discovering Lily

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car felt like it weighed a ton on our shoulders as Hudson and I both tried to figure out how to swallow this news about our brothers down.

“They're going to be okay. It's the only way I want to think about it right now,” he said, breaking the silence.

“I'm with you. I'm going to call Porter and Tanner and let them know what's going on.” After I gotten off the phone with both of them a few minutes later we arrived at the hospital. Speaking with the nurse at the front desk, she directed us to where Lily and everyone else was at, waiting to hear about Vance and Brice’s condition. Walking into the waiting room, the first person I spotted was that fucking piece of shit, Vitale, that had gotten them kicked out of the house that had they been in with Lily. This whole fucked up situation wouldn't have gotten this far out of control in the first place if he hadn’t fucked them over like that. Reeling in every emotion I had to burry my fist in his face, I decided to look for Lily instead. A moment later, I found her tiny frame curled up in a ball at the back corner of the room. “Lily?”

Looking up at me with tear stained checks and red puffy eyes, my heart instantly sank, thinking the worst has happened. “Oh, Carter!” She sobbed, running into my arms. “I'm so sorry this is all my fault. Had I not come here they never would have been put in this situation.”

“Lily,” I said firmly, needing her to explain to me exactly what kind of situation we were talking about. “How are they? Has the doctor told you anything?”

“He was out here a few hours ago. He... he said he couldn't guarantee me that they would be okay. Brice’s heart was nicked by a bullet that went into his back and Vance has a collapsed lung from a shot to his chest that they're trying to repair. I-I can't lose them, Carter.”

Hugging her closer, I whispered in her ear. “I can't lose them either, sweetheart.”

Hudson stepped forward and hugged her as well before she introduced us to her mother and father. When I shook her father's hand, I made it crystal clear that he would be one of the men I’d hold personally responsible for their life being taken, if God forbid something should happen to one or both of them. I could give two shits about who he was, or who his family was.

Interrupting our forced meet and greet, two doctors entered the room, one of them removing his cap and mask as we all sat in fear of what they were about to tell us.

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