Page 8 of Protecting Keira

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That next day whenI had to let Keira go again was like all the old wounds from the past had been cut wide open all over again. Even though she said that she still loved me, knowing that she was going to leave me and return home to her fake fiancé was like adding salt to the wound.

It had been a little over a month now since that day we said goodbye to one another, and I still hadn't gotten my feelings for her back under control. Watching everything unfold in the media, and getting constant updates on her, was making me feel a lot like a stalker.

Rolling through my day to day chores and hanging out at the local bar in town on the weekends had become a dark ritual for me since I'd been back. After everything that went down with Keira and me, and then going on that mission to kill Pablo with my brothers, my mind was all twisted up and confused about where it was, I really wanted to be. Part of me wanted to fly to D.C. and just take her and bring her back to the ranch with me. While the other part thought about finally taking Vance up on his offer and using it as a distraction. One thing I did know for sure was that all this down time, to do nothing but think about her, was doing me no good. Sure I could take home one of the local bar flies, that hit on me on a regular basis, on the weekends and fuck them senseless, but they weren’t her. Not her smell, her skin, her taste, her. I knew I had to break this ugly cycle, so I paid my tab at the bar and made my way out to my truck and headed home for the night, alone once again.

Pulling up in the driveway, I got out of my truck and headed inside to do the same thing I did every night, and day for that matter; check the headlines for anything to do with her. Entering the house, I threw my keys and cell in the dish and flipped the lights and the TV on, then powered up my laptop on my way to the kitchen to grab a beer. A breaking news headline had me stopping cold in my tracks, turning to run to the TV to turn it up.

"This just in, we have breaking news that Senator Watson was shot and killed when he was leaving a local restaurant earlier this afternoon. No word on if the FBI has any leads on this horrible situation, but as we learn more information, we'll report on it. Now in other news..."

Sitting there in disbelief, I moved to grab my phone and call Keira just as my phone began to ring in my hand. Looking down at the caller ID, I could see it was her. "Keira! Are you okay? What the hell happened?"

Sobbing on the other end, she finally said, "I-I was standing right next to him, Porter. I-I watched him die right in front of me."

"Are you okay? You weren't injured, were you?"

"No, I'm fine, but I need you Porter, oh God I need you so bad. I can't do this by myself. I don't have anyone I can really trust out here. I need you to protect me. They're saying it was an assassination."

Trying to calm her down, my mind took off like a shot, trying to think of all the safety factors that needed to be set in place immediately. "Is there anyone with you right now that’s watching over you?"

"Yes. My father's bodyguard is with me at my place."

"Can you trust him enough until I get there?" I asked, as I moved about my bedroom, throwing clothes in a suitcase.

"I think so, he's been with my father for ten years now."

"I'm not asking how long he's been with your father Ker, I'm asking you if you can trust him."

"I don't trust anyone but you right now, Porter. Someone had my father killed, hell it could have been Palmer for all I know, they were arguing about something the other day."

"Okay, I need you to listen to me, Ker," I said, heading into the bathroom to grab some necessities I would need. "I want you to call downstairs and tell them to allow me up, and then do the same with your dad's bodyguard. But stay in your penthouse with the doors locked, drapes closed, and keep away from the windows. And whatever you do Ker, do not let anyone, and I mean anyone but me in until I get there, do you hear me? I'm on the next plane out. I'm coming for you."

"I won't let anyone in but you, thank you, Porter. Please hurry, I'm scared."

"I know you are, sweetheart. Just hold on tight, I'm coming and everything's going to be okay."

After I hung up with her, I grabbed my bags and headed out the door, making the drive to the airport as fast as my truck would take me.

"Hang on baby, I'm coming for you," I muttered to myself as I sped down the highway.

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