Page 68 of Protecting Keira

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Hearing Porter tellme that my father was murdered because he was trying to protect me shattered every image of my him, I thought I knew. I had always thought he just used my brother and me as pawns in his climb up the political ladder. But to find out that he actually cared about me and loved me enough to endanger his own life, I felt like I never knew the man he really was. I will say that it wasn't for lack of trying on my part. All the memories I had of my father when I was a little girl, the ones before all the political bullshit, ran through my mind, causing my eyes to tear up. "He really did love me," I said as a tear escaped down my cheek.

Pulling me in tighter, Porter hugged me. "Yes, he did, very much so. I know there was a lot of things he did to you that were unforgivable through out your life. But knowing that in the end he was willing to turn himself and the others over to the authorities and then ultimately paid with his life tells me that he was just a good father that got caught up in the game of politics."

"He was a good father, but you’re right, it was before he became so involved in all that political bullshit. I remember when he was just my dad, the lawyer that used to take me and Bennet to the park on Sunday afternoons. We ate ice cream, played frisbee, football, or flew a kite, whatever we wanted to do. He always called Sunday's family only days, but then he somehow felt that he needed to be more than just our dad. I'll never forgive that world for what it did to my father and for what it took from my brother and me," wiping away another tear, I told him. "I'm going to mourn the father he was in the beginning, because in the end that was the man I knew best." Thinking for a moment I asked him. "Do you think you can visit his grave with me when we go back to get my things?"

Looking at me with surprise in his eyes, he said. "of course, we can. So does that mean that you are saying that you’re willing to rough it with me in Wyoming then?"

Giggling through teary eyes, I leaned up with my chin propped on my hand on his chest. "You sound surprised. What were you thinking was going to happen after we left here?"

Staying silent for a moment, he stroked his fingers over my back, then finally said. "well, I was really hoping that you’d want to come back to the ranch with me, but I was willing to give it all up if you didn't want that life."

"Oh no Porter, I would never ask you to give up your home that you love so much."

He kissed me on the top of my head. "My home is where you are, baby. Don’t get me wrong, I do love that olé ranch, but there would be nothing to go home to without you there with me."

Kissing his chest, I looked up at him. "Have I told you how much I love you?"

Chuckling, he answered. "Yes, you have, but I'll never tire of hearing you say it."


AFTER WE GOT BACK TOD.C., I packed everything up and had it all shipped to Porter's place in Wyoming. But before I left for good, there was two stops I needed to make.

Walking up to the door, I knocked a couple times before it finally opened. "Keira! Oh my God you're okay!" my brother said, pulling me in for a tight hug and surprising me. "I've been so worried about you after hearing about everything that happened. How are you? Please, come in and sit down," looking behind me, he noticed Porter and reached out to shake his hand. The relief that I felt was evident on my face that this would be a peaceful visit with my brother before I left this town for good. "Please, come on in, Porter." My brother told him.

"Bennet," Porter walked in.

"So, I assume you've heard everything that went on with dad, Director Henson, and Luciano Sanchez?" I asked Bennet as Porter and I took a seat in the living room.

He let out a heavy breath. "Yes, I did. I can't believe dad got himself caught up in that whole mess. Ever since I found out about that whole thing and everything that happened with you, I've done a lot of thinking. I owe you a long overdue apology, Keira."

Shocked to hear my brother utter the words I never thought I would hear in this lifetime I asked him. "Really?"

"Really. I don't want to end up like him, and if I keep going down the path I am, I will. Which is why I've decided to dash all the dreams of getting into politics and just stay in law and help put away as many of those crooked bastards as I can. All they do is destroy the men and women that just want to make this a better country for us. I'm done with all those political games and rules we lived by for all those years," he turned his attention to Porter. "And I owe you an apology as well. You are a better man than me, Porter. You took care of my sister when my head was too far up my own ass to see that she needed me. Thank you."

"Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?" I asked with a teary-eyed chuckle.

"I know, I know," he said, waving his hands. "I'm the asshole, I get it." Suddenly stopping he got a serious look on his face. "But I'm going to make you proud of me one day sis, I mean that."

"I'm already proud of you Bennet," getting up, I gave my brother the first genuine hug I had in years.

After a bit longer of getting to know this new improved version of my brother, we promised to stay in touch as Porter and I left to go to the second place I needed to go before we left town.

Walking up to his headstone, I laid down the flowers we’d picked up on our way here. Porter respectively kept his distance and gave me some privacy as I tried to convey my words that seemed to have gotten caught in my throat under my emotions. "I-I miss you dad. I miss you... every day, and I'm so sorry I never told you that when you were alive. I just think we all got too caught up in the whirlwind that became our lives. I'll always love you, though, and remember the family days you, Bennet, and I spent in the park together. Those are probably my fondest memories, when it was just us and no one cared what we looked like or what we said. I know you never thought Porter was a good enough man for me, but I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for him. He is a good man dad, and I hope you can be proud of me for finding such a loving man. I know you too would have come to love him one day. I love you daddy and I'll always miss you," I wiped the tears away as I turned to walk back towards Porter.

Wrapping me up in his arms, he laid that calming kiss that he always did on my head when he tried to comfort me. "You okay?"

I stared up at him. "I will be, thanks to you."

"Yes you will," he stated as we walked back to the car to leave this town.

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