Page 65 of Protecting Keira

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While we all sat andwaited for Porter and the others to get here, I couldn't peel myself away from the front window for more than a few seconds at a time. When I finally heard his voice over the intercom from the gate, I bolted out of the house, needing to feel his body under my hands once again. After Porter proposed to me, he picked me up and walked towards the house so we could tell the others.

When we walked inside, everyone was talking and laughing. "Hey!" Porter shouted over everyone.

"Nice to see you two came up for air!" Carter teased.

"Yeah, well fuck off," Porter chuckled, causing everyone else to laugh.

Brice slapped Carter's back with a smirk on his face. "You seem to be getting that a lot today, Mitchell."

"Whatever man." Carter answered.

"Hey, back to me here!" Porter told the bickering men. "You two can bitch at each other later, I on the other hand have something Important to say," he pulls me closer and kissed the top of my head. "Keira has just agreed to be my wife!" he announced, and everyone clapped and whistled as they stepped forward to hug and congratulate us. As I was thanking all of them, I noticed the girl hanging back with a sad look on her face.

Excusing myself, I walked over to where she stood. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing okay, a little overwhelmed, but congratulations on your engagement. I'm happy that we were both able to get out of there and you were able to find your love again," she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

I grabbed a hold of her hands. "We are going to help you figure out who you are and where you belong, please know that. I'm not going to stop until we do. I have connections, so does Porter, as well as the men of Black Spade Securities."

"Who are they?"

Turning towards the guys I pointed out Vance, Brice, Hudson, and Carter. "They will be able to help you I have no doubt about that." I assured her.

After we had a celebratory drink with Brody and his wife, Porter and I thanked Brody for all his help, then we all piled into the cars and headed to the airport to fly back home on the plane Larson sent for us. As we got ready for take off, I noticed Brice and Vance taking an interest in the girl, the same kind of interest I saw on their faces earlier. "They like her," I whispered, leaning over to Porter.

"Who?" he asked.

I gave him a knowing glare. "Brice and Vance. Don't act like it's not clearly evident because that would make you the blind man you would have to be not to see it."

Chuckling, he released the grip on my hand that he'd had since we'd been reunited at Brody's and wrapped it around my shoulder to pull me into his side. "Well, maybe just a little. I offered to have her come and stay with us since you're the only one she really trusts but they rebuffed that quickly and wanted to let her make her own decision." A few moments after he told me that, we noticed the two of them leaving their seats, once we were in the air, to go over and talk to her. And by the look in her eyes, I didn't think there would be too much convincing needed on their parts to get her to stay with the two of them while they investigated her identity.

After we landed back in Texas, Brice and Vance had seemingly convinced the girl that it was in her best interest to remain with them rather than with Porter and I. Wanting to make sure that she was really comfortable with the idea, I pulled her away with me to the ladies room, while the guys got all the bags loaded into the car.

Not making it more than two steps after I informed Porter of where we were going, I discovered we have a tail. "Really? We're just going to the bathroom," I told Carter, who was following behind us.

He shrugged his shoulders. "That man has just gone through hell to get you back and he's not willing to take any chances, can't say I wouldn't do the same thing."

Knowing that what he said was true, I just nodded in agreement and continued on our way to the bathroom. After of course Carter stepped inside and inspected it, drawing a few gasps from the other women that were in there. Ones that I had to apologize to once we were allowed to finally enter. "So, are you really okay going with Vance and Brice? Because if you're not, you are more than welcome to stay with Porter and I."

"I'm actually okay with it. As funny as it sounds, being that I haven't know them long, they make me feel safe, and it's been well I know for sure it's been days since I've felt that." She giggled. "Before that, I couldn't tell you the last time I felt safe with a man, but I do trust them for whatever reason. I mean just look at what they did to save us from those hideous monsters. I don't know that many men would have gone up against those kinds of scary individuals to save us and the others, but I do know for sure I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for them. And you're really going to think I'm crazy when I say this, but I feel a sort of connection to the two of them. Be it the hero complex from what they did for us or whatever it is, but I do."

Knowing about Brice and Vance sharing their women, it was on the tip of my tongue to warn her of what may come but I decided to trust in the two of them. I knew that they would take good care of her and not force anything on her other than their help to find out her identity. "They're incredibly good men, all of them are actually. They were all in the Army Rangers together and have formed a brotherhood that's unbreakable. I know Vance and Brice will take good care of you and help you and so will Porter and I. If you need anything, even if it's just someone to talk to, they have my number and you can call me anytime, okay?"

"Okay. I'll never forget everything you did for me, Keira. I don't think I would have made it through that nightmare without you, and I know for sure I wouldn't have met these two men to help me find out who I am if it wasn't for you, so thank you," she smiled, hugging me tightly.

Releasing our hold on one another, I smiled back at her. "You’re welcome. And thank you, too. I don't know how well I would have handled that whole thing without you either."

After we've finished talking and hugging goodbye one more time as the guys said their goodbyes, Porter and I got in the taxi that would take us to our hotel for the night before our flight home tomorrow. "You okay, baby?" he asked, pulling me in close and kissing my forehead.

"I am now." I practically purred, cuddling into his chest.

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