Page 56 of Protecting Keira

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As I watched Keiraon the screen, I could clearly see the fear in her eyes, and it killed me to see her so afraid and hopeless. I would have hoped that she would never give up on me finding her, but by looking at her now, I could see she was close. "All right let's saddle up gentlemen, it's about that time," Larson announced, opening the van doors and alerting his and Santino's men that we saw our target."

Agent Turner grabbed the iPad and earpieces so we could keep an eye on what was going on inside while we set up out here. “Do we have the limo in route?" Larson asked.

"Yes sir, it just pulled up," Agent Turner informed him, pointing at the black escalade limo pulling up behind us.

Looking at me, he handed me one of the earpieces. "You Brice, Hudson, Carter, and Vance all get in the limo and when the guy comes out the side door, we will grab him from behind, then you can drive in and unload. Johnson are we a go on the security cameras?"

"Yes sir, we are officially ghost’s." Agent Johnson answered.

"Good, now where are we at with the auction?"

Looking at the iPad and putting the earpieces in, we listened to the bidding for Keira going on. Brody was doing his job of trying to out bid the rest at what had now climbed to a quarter of a million dollars for her. "Okay, it looks like your boy is doing his job. Now let's get ready to get in there and get your girl back, and then let’s end these assholes, once and for all." Larson told us.

"Where are Santino and his men?" I asked him, noticing less people around.

"Getting into position like we need to be doing right now. Let's keep our heads on straight and be ready for anything because shits about to get real sporty real fast inside there, gentlemen."

As we got into the limo and began the ride towards the mountainside, my gut started to roll at the thought of getting Keira back and praying she wasn’t injured in the crossfire. "All right guys let's do this shit and get Keira out of there safe and sound as soon as we can. Porter, that's going to be your main job. We'll take care of holding them off, but you find her, and you get her out, got me?" Vance said.

"Got it, and again, I can't thank all of you enough for this."

"You know we wouldn't miss this for the world, we'll always have your back, just like you'll always have ours, brother," Carter patted me on the shoulder.

"Amen. brother." Brice added.

"You know I would do anything to help you and end these assholes once and for all after the shit storm they've put us through," Hudson said.

When we pulled up to the entrance, the guy walked out of the side door, just as expected and is knocked out, then dragged back inside to be tied up as Larson and his men ran in to open the doors for us. Once inside a few of Santino's men joined us from out of nowhere, making me wonder where the hell they’d come from as they ushered all the limo drivers out of their vehicles and led them to the limo we just exited, getting them out of the line of fire. Larson and his men took out a few guards that popped out with guns ready to fire on us before we finally deemed the area cleared and moved to the open side door.

Hearing the word "SOLD!" on my earpiece, I looked over at the iPad to see that it was Brody that got up and was moving towards Keira to grab her hand. Once he got close enough to her, he whispered to her in a low voice. "Porter sent me. He's here to rescue you and we need to get you somewhere safe, and we need to do it fast."

"Oh, thank God!" I heard her sob as I saw her body begin to visibly shake, breaking my heart with the fear I could hear in her voice.

"Come on now, I need you to stay strong for me and keep up the act until we are out of this room." Brody told her.


"Mr. James, this way sir, so we can settle the matter of your payment for the goods," a man said approaching them and interrupting.

"Yes of course, we’ll follow you," he responded to the man, putting Keira in front of him as he ushered her forward into a side room.

Once the door was shut behind them, we watched as Brody knocked the guy out and began tying him up with a phone cord that he'd found. "Okay guys I have her hidden in the office that's on the right side of the room, two doors down. It's a green light. I repeat it’s a green light." Brody called out as we all stormed through the door with our guns drawn.

We split off from Santino and his men, taking out anyone in our way of getting to that auction room. As we got closer, more guards fired on us and we took cover behind corners and shallow inlets in the hallways as bullets buried themselves in the walls all around us.

"Santino, go, go!" Larson yelled into a walkie-talkie. Suddenly a few moments later we heard gunfire erupting in front of us on the opposite side, causing more people to flow out and head our way, pushing past the guards that were trying to shoot at us. Some of the buyers running ended up taking the bullets instead, saving us some work.

As we kept pushing forward, we took out as many men as we could before one of ours took a hit. "Johnson's down!" Larson yelled.

"Is it serious?" Vance asked.

"No! Just a flesh wound in the leg, he'll live," Larson responded, moving past me. "Let's go and finish this shit off."

Nodding my head, we pushed forward again, taking out everyone with a gun pointed at us until I heard something on my earpiece that almost dropped me to my knees. Stopping dead in my tracks when I heard a gun shot just before Keira cried out. Holding my hand to my ear, I turned to Agent Turner and yelled. "Give me the iPad, now!"

As he handed it to me, I could now hear and see my worst fears confirmed, Brody was down. When I saw images of him on the ground, I knew that he'd given his jacket to Keira. As I kept watching, I watched her moving about as if she was struggling against someone’s grip on her.

"Seems you've caused me more trouble than you're worth." I heard the accented voice say just before Luciano's face came into the view of the camera.

Tossing the iPad back to Turner, I yelled to Vance and Brice to follow me as we went charging through the crowd, mowing down all the unfriendly shooting at us.

I can still hear Keira struggling against him on my earpiece as I mumbled over and over to myself and killing anyone who gets in my way.

"I'm coming, baby. I'm coming for you, just hold on."

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