Page 52 of Protecting Keira

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Hearing the lock beingrattled on the other side of the door stirred me and the girl in the room with me awake. The man that I'd come to loathe walked into the room with a sneer on his face. "Time to get up you two. Tonight’s the big night, so we need to get you cleaned up and groomed for your new masters." The girl next to me began to cry as we were both yanked up out of the bed we were lying on and shoved out the door then down the hallway. We both try to hold each others hand tightly, finding comfort in one another before we are ripped apart and shoved into two different rooms.

As the door is slammed shut behind me, I couldn't tell if it was her cries I heard or that of my own from the fear of the unknown question.

What happened now?

Looking around the room, I noticed what looked like a type of bench table you would see at the doctor’s office and an old grubby couch covered in stains. The smell in this room alone was enough to make me vomit. Lucky for me they had fed me little to nothing since they took me so there was nothing in my stomach to come up.

After a while the door opened and a woman who looked to be in her early thirties, dressed in a white doctor's coat walked inside with a very large man, I'd not seen before, following behind her.

Shutting the door, the man propped himself up against it, baring me from any kind of hope for an escape. "Hello, I'm Doctor Smith. I'm going to need to examine you, so please hop up on the table so we can get on with it." She flatly stated with a coldness in her voice.

If I thought she was going to be any help to me I was sadly mistaken. "Can't he wait outside?" I asked, pointing at the large blockade in front of the door.

"No, he must remain right there. Now let's go, I don't have all day. I have twenty more exams to do after yours." She snapped at me.

Twenty more women?I thought to myself.

"How can you do this to us? How can you be a part of something so horrible?" I questioned her, not understanding how she could live with herself, knowing that she was helping these wretched animals sell innocent women into a life of slavery.

Turning to look at me with a cold stare, she stated matter of fact. "Because they pay me good money to. Now are you going to get on that table so we can get this exam over with? Or do I need to call my friend over there to come help you onto it?"

Looking over at the big jerk by the door, I could see that he was just chomping at the bit to do just that, so I reluctantly decided that the bitch in the white coat was the lesser of two evils to have to deal with right now and went to sit on the table.

After what had to be the most humiliating examination of my life, both of them left the room, locking me inside once again. Sitting there for a few moments, I just stared at the same spot on the wall with a feeling of numbness. The things I’d been put through since I was brought here were things no human should ever have to go through. Tears began to stream down my face with no sign of stopping anytime soon. Putting my face in my hands, I broke out into a full on sob as I wondered if Porter would ever find me in time before I was sold to some sick twisted freak and taken off to God knows where.

After a few hours went by, several of us were taken out of the rooms we'd been locked in and were herded like cattle to the showers, where we were told to strip and wash ourselves. When I found the girl that had been in the room with me again, we tried to stick together as much as possible while we showered and cleaned up.

As the water ran over me, I wished it would drown out the sounds of the other women sniffling and sobbing all around me. Several were even beaten into submission by one of the six large men I had counted in the room, watching over us.

After the showers were over, they again led us out of the locker sized bathroom, shouting orders at us as they pushed us down the hall without any towels to cover our bodies. They paraded us in front of every watchful eye that came our way, further humiliating us as we all attempted to use the woman in front of us as a shield against the leering looks we got.

Splitting us off in groups of five, we were again herded like cattle into different rooms. Still clinging to the girl, we both entered a room with three other women. As the door slammed shut behind us, a couple of the women fell to the floor sobbing and praying for someone to help them, while the other woman seemed to be in a state of shock and disconnected from her nightmare of a reality. The door swung open a few moments later and three older women hustled inside with dresses and make-up bags. They didn't utter a word to us and kept their heads down as if they themselves were afraid. The two large men who entered behind them were the ones to bark out all the orders to us. "All right each of you will be getting your hair and make-up done to look good for the auction. We have dresses here for you as well, so no funny business or you're just going to end up with another mark on those pretty faces of yours that's going to have to be covered up, understand me?" The first guy stated, looking around the room at us as a few of us shakily nodded our heads.

"You ladies might as well come to terms with your new realities right now because your old ones are dead and gone." The second one said, drawing tears from a few of us, including myself as I thought about a life without Porter in it. "You, you and you," the second guy said again, pointing at me, the girl, and another woman. "You're up. Get in the chairs and let's get a move on."

None of us made a move, it was as if our feet had cemented themselves to the floor beneath us, that was until the first guy spoke up again. "Move your fucking asses now!" He yelled at us so loud that it jerked us out from our spots we'd attached ourselves to.

Sitting in the chair as the woman worked on my hair, I just stared at my reflection in the cracked mirror, realizing how true the image of me in it was. I was cracking and soon I’d be shattered into pieces as I moved one step closer to losing my grip on any hope I had of Porter finding me before I disappeared for good.

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