Page 51 of Protecting Keira

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As we all poured overthe map and satellite images of the comings and goings at the location, we planned on invading, Larson remained on his phone the majority of the time. Finally hanging up, he joined our planning party again. "All right, here's what I know. The auction is being held tonight at 10 pm in that very tunnel," he pointed to the area on the map. "All bidders have been notified by email of a day and time," looking to another agent, who was tapping away on a laptop, he asked. "Turner, can you hack into their computer system and get us on that invite list?"

"Yes sir I can, but I don't know how long it will take me to get in until I take a look at it."

"Well get on it now and get it done. You have about an hour until this plane touches down in Mexico and we need to be on that list when it does."

"On it, sir." The agent assured him.

Grabbing his phone, Vance walked away to make a call and after about twenty minutes he returned. "We're on the list," he informed us, walking back over to where we were all gathered.

Looking at him with surprise, Larson, and Agent Turner both said at the same time. "How?"

"Kelan." Was Vance's only answer.

"What name did he put in for us?" Larson questioned.

"He's working up a profile right now on our billionaire. A Greyson James from England will be flying in to purchase himself a sex slave to take back with him," Vance grinned.

"You know you guys should have joined the FBI, we could have really used men like yourselves." Walker stated.

"Yeah, well at least they’re on our side because with all the skills they have at Black Spade, I don't think I would ever want to go up against their asses," Larson chuckled.

For the next hour we all went over the plan several times to work out all the kinks and possibilities on things that could go wrong.

After the plane finally touched down in Mexico, all of us deplaned and met up with Larson’s guy, Santino, and his men. We all huddled in one of the plane hangers and got everyone on the same page as Agent Johnson was set up and clothed to be our undercover billionaire, as well as our eyes and ears on the inside. Larson's phone went off, drawing a confused look from him as he picked up the call, walking away.

"How are you holding up, man?" Carter asked, walking over to where I stood, staring out into the rising sun.

"I'll be a lot better when I know she's safe and I have her back in my arms where she belongs. But I'm not going to lie to you... the shit that's running through my head right now of all the things that could be happening to her... let’s just say I'm surprised I'm still standing. Because those thoughts are like knives that just keep cutting away at me... I can't lose her again man, I can't." I confessed to him, my voice wavering.

"We are going to get her back and then you're going to get her through this. No matter what has happened to her. As long as she has you by her side, she will heal from this," Carter assured me, grabbing my shoulder.

"Thank you, I can't tell you enough how thankful I am for all of you being here to get me through this and help get her back."

"It's what we do for one another brother, it's what we do," he patted my back.

"Fuck!" We heard Agent Larson shout out as he strode back up to the group.

Worried it had something to do with Keira, I pushed my way past everyone to get to him. "What is it?" I dreaded his answer.

Running his hands through his hair, he looked up at Agent Walker. "Well, first of all I just found out where Agent Jackson has been hiding out."

"Where’s that?" Walker asked.

"In the last fucking place we want him to be right now, the tunnel in Mexico with Luciano, that's where."

"Shit!" Walker shouted.

"So, what does that mean?" I asked Larson.

"It means that my plan to send in Agent Johnson as the billionaire, or any other agent for that matter, just got shot to hell. Jackson will spot them before they even make it inside. Sonofabitch!"

"And Luciano knows all of our faces so that leaves us with..." Directing Larson away from Santino's group of men, I asked him in a low voice, not knowing just how well-acquainted he was with him. "What about one of Santino's men?"

"No," he said in a low voice. "I trust Santino, but I don't know that his men won't be recognized or can even pull something like this off for that matter," letting out a heavy breath, he looked at us. "I am open to whatever ideas you guys could possibly drum up at this point. because we are out of options here, gentlemen."

Vance was the first one to speak up. "Can you get me a helicopter here right now?" All of us snapped our heads towards him. "Because if you can, I've got our billionaire, Greyson James, and he lives right here in Mexico."

"You are fucking brilliant, brother," I slapped his back as Carter, Brice, and Hudson all agreed.

Larson looked between all of us. "I'm really getting tired of you guys having these ah ha moments without me. Who's this man you have in mind?"

"Brody Neilson. He served with us in the Ranger's and he lives right here in Mexico. He helped us out last time when we came down here for Presley, and he can be our eyes and ears inside now. None of them will know who he is."

"Like I said, I'm glad you guys are on our side." Turning around, he called out, "Agent Walker, get Vance that helicopter, and now."

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