Page 50 of Protecting Keira

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Director Henson

(AKA Mr. X)

My phone rang and Icould see it was Jackson calling me. "What do you have for me? Anything on the details of the package?"

"I have an update I think you are going to be very happy with."

"Do tell."

"First, the package has been delivered and is in the process of being auctioned off. Second, I have verified that two bodies were found inside the burned-out warehouse building you sent Walker and Larson to. Now we are just waiting for the officials to identify the burnt bodies, which we should have in forty-eight hours or less."

"That's great news. Are you on your way back, or still at the location?"

"I'm still here but getting ready to leave."

"No! I think I want you to remain there until the sale is final. I need firsthand knowledge that Miss Watson is out of our hair, once and for all. With my bid for her father's seat as Senator, I can't have her somehow escaping that auction and ruining things for me."

"You got it, sir."

"And when you see Luciano, tell him I said thank you for taking care of that little problem for us."

"I will do that."

Hanging up with Jackson, I was interrupted by my son? "So, overheard just now how concerned you are for Miss Watson, aka the package, to be sold. Are you fucking kidding me, Father?!" He shouted at me.

"You had no business listening in on my conversation, you know better than that!" I snapped back at him.

"You're right, because then I just might find out that my father, the Director of the fucking FBI and possibly a future Senator, is nothing more than a sick human sex trafficker! How could you? How could you be so cruel? You have a granddaughter for God's sake! How would you feel if it were her being sold? You know what? We are so fucking out of here! You. Will. Never see your granddaughter again! You hear me, Father! You are dead to me and my family!" he yelled, pointing at me.

As he turned to walk out, I jumped up out of the chair and grabbed his arm before he made it to the door. "Now you listen to me. You are not going to do that to your mother or me. And as for your daughter? How would you feel if she were to grow up without her father?"

The look on my sons’ face was a mixture of hurt and anger. "Are you really threatening to kill your own son?"

"If that's what it takes to keep my secret’s, you're damn right I will."

"You are a monster!" he shouted.

"What on earth are you two yelling about in here?" My wife, Mary, asked, coming into the office.

I turned to my son. "Nothing for you to concern yourself about mom, just dear old dad and I here disagreeing on something as usual," kissing her on the cheek, he told her. "I'll see you later." Glaring at me with daggers in his eyes he simply said, "Father." And then walked out of the office, leaving a look of confusion and worry on my wife's face.

She turned her attention back to me. "Are you going to tell me what that was all about or add it to the long list of secret’s you already keep from me?"

"I can't talk about this right now. I need to make a call."

"Of course you do, dear," she said sarcastically before walking out and shutting the door behind her.

Dropping down in my chair, I poured myself a drink and weigh my options, wondering if I was really going to have to end my own damn son’s life.

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