Page 46 of Protecting Keira

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After we arrived atthe Sheriff’s station, Tanner instructed us where we could set up to form a plan. But first I needed to find out from Vance what the hell he wasn’t telling me, so when Tanner walked out of his office, to talk to one of his Deputies, I asked him. "So, are you going to tell me what it is you're keeping from me, or just let me twist in the wind over here?"

Lowering his head, he ran his hand through his hair. "Man, I did not want to be the one to have to tell you this... but Larson was able to get some information from one of the men sent to kill him and Walker before he was shot. He told him that it was Luciano that was after Keira... and that when he caught her..." turning away from me and then back to look me in the eyes, he placed his hands on his hips and let out a deep breath before focusing his eyes back to meet mine once again. I could see the worry shadowing his eyes, and I knew that it had to be bad, really bad, so I just stared at him and waited for the blow he was undoubtedly about to deliver. "He ah... he said that Luciano was going to take her to some underground location that no one knows about and then... sell her to the highest bidder. I'm so fucking sorry, brother." Walking up to me with caution, he placed a hand on my shoulder as the words he'd just spoken to me, that the love of my life was going to be auctioned off like a piece of property, sank in. "We will get her back brother, that's a promise."

All that ran through my head was the question of how much damage would be done to her before I got her back? All I could see was the color red flash before my eyes, then it happened. The stunned, blank reaction I had on my face shifted into one of blinding rage. "Fuuuuuuck!" I shouted out in a wounded voice; I didn't even recognize to be my own. Within seconds I was taking all my frustrations out on the closest wall as I punched my hand through it over and over again until it was a bloody pulp. The pain in my hand helped take my mind off the wrenching pain I felt in my heart. "Keira! Not Keira!" I cried out as I punched the hard wall over and over again until Tanner and Vance both wrestled me to the ground, attempting to calm me down.

"Porter! This is not going to help Keira, man! You need to get your shit together so you can help her! Fucking yourself up is not going to help!" Tanner shouted at me as him and Vance grabbed a hold of both of my arms while I still struggled against them.

"Let me go! I'm going to fucking kill them all!" I shouted out.

"Porter! Come on man, we need you to get it together. Keira needs you, man," Vance said, getting my attention using her name.

Losing all my strength to fight them off any longer, I went limp on the floor. A few moments later I got up and fell into the chair behind Tanner's desk and put my head in my hands, trying to calm myself back down so I could think clearly again. After a few minutes, I finally got my shit under control. "I'm sorry man..." Was all I was able to get out before Tanner cut me off."

"Nothing to be sorry about, brother. Trust me when I say I know what that rage feels like inside, knowing the woman you love is in a bad situation. When Evangeline's husband put hands on her right in front of me... I couldn't see past the rage. I wanted him dead so fucking bad I could have ripped him apart with my bare hands, so I know just where you're coming from right now. But you need to get your head on straight so you can get her back. She needs you."

I looked up at Tanner. "I’m sorry I wasn't here to help you through that, brother. Had I'd known I would have been on the first flight out. I hope you know that."

"I do. Now are you ready to do this and get your woman back?"

"Hell yes I am," looking at the wall I took my anger out on, I apologized. "Sorry about your wall, man."

"I needed to redecorate in here anyway, so don't worry about it," he said with a slight chuckle before looking at my hand. "Shit I hope you didn't break it. I'll call the doc and have him come over to take a look at it and clean you up."

After my hand had been cleaned and wrapped up in an ace bandage, I was surprised to find out that it wasn’t broken. As we went over all the tunnels the Government was aware of that existed in Mexico, I knew Luciano would have taken Keira, knowing he'd feel safe from our reach there, we tried to find one near Pablo's old compound we raided last year when we went looking for Presley.

But we come up empty.

All of us were in deep thought as we looked over the maps when Vance's phone went off, causing our heads to snap up. "You touch down yet?" He asked, answering the phone, letting us know it was either Larson or Brice he was talking to. "Okay, we’re on our way," disconnecting the call, he looked at me. "That was Larson, their plane should be landing in about a half hour," looking over at Tanner, he asked. "Mind giving us a lift to the airport?"

"You know I will. I wish I could do more but..."

Holding my hand up, I told him. "You've done more than enough, brother. There is no fucking way on God's green earth I would ever ask you to leave your beautiful pregnant wife and risk your life to help us. No way. Love you too much for that shit. You've found your happily ever after and I want you to live it."

"Means a lot to me to hear you say that, but it doesn't mean I don't want to be there right by your side ready to fight these assholes with you."

I placed my good hand on his shoulder. "I know you'd do anything for me brother, so do this; stay here and be the best father I know your going to be to that baby of yours. That will mean more to me than anything."

Nodding his head as his only answer, he pulled me in for a hug.

After loading everything into the SUV, we headed off to meet Larson and the others at the airport.

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