Page 45 of Protecting Keira

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After I was finishedshowering, the man called, Armando, threw me a towel and grabbed a hold of my neck. "No, please don't, it hurts."

"You know when you’re sold if you don't keep that mouth of yours shut and stop trying to give orders, you're going to find yourself without a tongue," he said, breathing the words with his sickening breath in my face. Pulling a key out, he unlocked the contraption around my neck and let it drop to the floor. "Now let's go, move!" he barked at me, pushing me out a different door than the one we came in. Once inside the room, he flipped the lights on, and I was in what appeared to be a normal bedroom. Pushing me towards a closet, he barked out orders at me again. "Find something to wear and then fix yourself up in there," he pointed to the bathroom and then stood by the door. "You have twenty minutes, so hurry up!"

Moving into the closet, I scanned my eyes over all of the trashy clothes that would barely cover anything. Picking out a blue dress that looked like it would cover the most, I quickly changed into it in the closet away from the man's leering gaze. Walking out of the closet and into the bathroom, I didn't even glance at him; make believing that if I can't see him then he didn't exist.

Sounds stupid I know, but when you're in a situation like mine you'll use any mind tricks possible to help you cope with things.

After I twisted my hair up in a bun and fixed my face with very light make up, definitely not trying to look good for this asshole that had taken me, I put the shoes, that Armando was holding out to me, on before he ushered me out of the room and down a hallway. It looked like I was inside of someone's home until he unlocked another door and shoved me inside, causing me to almost lose my balance in these heels and fall before he slammed the door shut again behind me. Looking around the room, it seemed to be an office.


I started to search the desk for any sign of a phone or a phone cord I could use to trace to the location of the phone, but I found nothing. Hearing the door being unlocked again, I turned to straighten up and face whoever was going to walk through it. When the door opened and I saw the man that walked through it, pictures and pain began flashing through my mind and I grabbed my head. I had seen him before, but where? If I could just get the memories flashing in my head to slow down, I'd be able to see it and I'd be able to figure out where I knew him from. "Not feeling well, Miss Watson?" The man with the accent asked, sounding amused. "Or is it the memories that are trying to get back into that head of yours giving you pain?"

I cried out the only words that I was able to get out. "God it hurts!" And then the images suddenly became crystal clear like it was all happening right in front of me in that very moment and I knew where I'd seen him. "I know you. I remember you. You were in my father's office that morning I went in there to talk to him about the fake marriage to Jake. Oh yes it's all coming back to me now... Oh God," I said, covering my mouth at the realization of what I saw that morning. "Y-you’re Pablo's brother, Luciano. You were trafficking those women I saw on the computer screen, the ones Pablo was beating, that's why they were screaming for someone to help them!"

Calmly sitting down in one of the chairs, he crossed his legs and folded his hands in his lap with a grin on his face like what I was saying was no big deal to him. "My, my, I guess my brother’s doctor is not as good as we thought he was. What else do you remember?"

"Just the disgust from knowing that my father was part of your operation and knew what was happening to those women. Was it you that killed him?"

Forming a steeple with his fingers, he touched them to his lips as if he were contemplating on just how much he wanted to tell me. "I need a drink. Would you like one?" Then got up and walked over to a mini bar and poured himself a scotch.

"No, what I want is an answer to my question."

He chuckled. "Armando was right about you. You do have a mouth on you, thinking you can demand such things from me. Tell me, do you have any idea how much danger your life is really in right now, Miss Watson?"

"I don't care. If I'm going to die, then I want answers! I have a right to know!" I shouted at him.

"So spicy, I can see why Mr. Jensen is so hung up on you."

Oh my God Porter, Vance. "What did you do to them?"

"So many questions. What makes you even think I'll tell you anything?" Walking closer, he got right up into my face and grabbed me around the throat, squeezing it tight before yanking me closer. "Here, you are nothing but a filthy whore waiting to be sold off to the highest bidder, just like the rest of them. Down here you have no rights." Shoving me away from him, I grabbed my throat, trying to get air back into my lungs as he sat back down again like he hadn't a care in the world. "Not that it matters, but yes, I did have your father killed. But contrary to belief I wasn't the one who ordered the hit. I was simply the one who agreed it must be done and carried it out. As for your boyfriends, if it had been me there when you were taken, they would be dead right now for what they did to my brother!" He shouted before gaining his control once again. "But I was not, so they are still breathing... for now. But the way I see it now, they must suffer first. All of them. They must all know what it feels like to have someone they love so deeply taken away from them, and that's where you come in, my dear. You're the first one to be taken, and then I will take the other women away who belong to the men of Black Spade. I will sell them to the highest bidder... just like I'm going to do with you in a little more than twenty-four hours from now," he took a sip of his drink. "And the men I sell to Miss Watson, they just love it rough and when a woman fights back. It makes it exciting, you see, so I just know they are going to love playing with you." Scooting to the edge of his seat, he made a fist in front of him like he was grabbing something out of the air. "It feeds their hunger for blood, your blood."

"You are one sick asshole!" I shouted back at him, not caring about the consequences. "You’re going to die just like your brother did when Porter and Vance find me!"

Chuckling, he stood up to take off his coat and began slowly rolling up his sleeves. "I think it's time you learn some manners, Miss Watson." Just before I felt the first blow to the side of my face, knocking me to the floor.

The pain was so intense that I screamed out from it and grabbed my cheek.

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