Page 43 of Protecting Keira

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"Porter!... Porter!" I could hear her screams in the dark, but there was nothing I could do about it, my arms and legs were so heavy I wasn't even able to lift them. "Porter! Wake up!" I heard again, but in another voice, a man's voice. "Porter! I need you to wake up, brother! They've got Keira! Keira needs you man! You need to wake the fuck up!" I heard yelled at me before I felt a hard tap on my cheek, causing my eyes to shoot open as what was being yelled at me finally registered.

Shooting up into a sitting position, I looked around the room and saw all the furniture that had been turned upside down like a bull had ran through the place. "What the fuck happened?" I held onto my head, looking up to see Tanner above me, then over at Vance lying motionless on the floor. "Vance."

"They broke in here, gassed the place and took Keira." Tanner explained.

"What?!" I shouted, trying to stand but failing.

"Easy man, get your head on straight before you try and do that again," Tanner told me, trying to hold me in place.

Looking back over at Vance, I asked. "Is he alive?"

"Yes, he's fine. They shot you guys with some sort of tranquilizer to knock you out."

"Fuck! How long ago?" I tried again to slowly stand up.

"About an hour, hour and a half ago. I headed up here as soon as I got off the phone with Agent Larson. He called me when he couldn't get a hold of Vance, and once he told me that I knew something wasn't right, so I hauled ass up here to see what the hell was going on. By time I made it here all I found was smoke and you two unconscious. I'm sorry, man," he said, gripping my shoulder.

"Not your fault. Dammit! I knew, I just knew in my gut something like this was going to happen." Standing up I noticed one of Tanner's Deputies trying to rouse Vance awake, and he finally started to come around. "This is my fault, fuck! I should have moved her tonight instead of being so damn foolish and waiting until morning," I gripped my hair tight in frustration.

"What the hell happened?" I heard Vance ask. After we explained everything to him, we all loaded up in Tanner's SUV and headed into his office, so we could set up and try to figure out where they took her to before it was too late.

As we rode along, my mind turned into a freeway of memories of our time together.

Every smell.

Every taste.

Every sound she made.

All these feelings and memories wound their way through my head, causing the twisting feeling in my gut to tighten further at the thought of losing her all over again. Vance's phone going off broke me out of my thought's.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! No, we’re on our way to the Sheriff's station to set up, how long until you get here? Yes, okay see you then," disconnecting the call, he turned towards me. "You are not going to believe this shit."

"What's going on? Did they find something out about Keira?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm sorry they didn't, but Agent Larson has figured out who one of the men is behind this whole cluster fuck, he and Walker were almost killed tonight."

As we continued the ride to the station, Vance filled us in on everything Larson told him on the phone and even though I would like to say that I'd been surprised by this new information, I wasn’t. "When is he going to be here?"

"He's gearing up now to fly out, said he’ll meet us in four hours at the airport in Mulberry. Once Brice and Carter arrive, we’ll board his plane so we can start looking for her. They have an APB issued to locate Agent Jackson. If we can find him and get him to talk then we just might be able to find her before anything happens to her."

There was a look on Vance's face that told me there was a lot more to the story than he was telling me. Knowing just how ruthless these men were that hold that kind of power, I closed my eyes and prayed. Pray for her to be safe and in my arms once again, soon.

I'm coming to get you baby, just hold on.I chanted to myself.

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