Page 36 of Protecting Keira

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Seeing that defeatedlook in her eyes when she found out that yet another person who she thought was her friend was actually deceiving her by keeping things from her to save his own ass kills me. Look I get it people thought of themselves first, but if it were one of my Army brother's in her situation, I would do everything in my power to help them. No matter what the cost. If anything, he should have sent Evan away somewhere safe and stayed to fight by her side, but he didn't. He left her to fend for herself and possibly be killed. The rage that slowly crawled its way up my spine caused me to stand up and storm out of the room. I needed to walk off this intense desire to hit something right now. Hearing Keira's hospital room door open and shut behind me, the sounds of footsteps trying to catch up to me at a quickened pace, I knew without even looking that it was Vance. A true friend who would always have my back, no matter what, something Keira just kept getting let down on. "Hey, are you okay, man?"

I stopped to turn around to face him. "Hell no, I'm not okay. I'm fucking pissed off! That woman in there has never known what it's like to have a true friend in her life. Every time she trusts someone, they just fuck her over! Including me!" I blurted out, running my hands through my hair in frustration with myself. "She tried to tell me the truth after I left her that night you know. Even came all the way to my ranch to beg me to listen to her side of the story, and what did I do? I fucking abandoned her just like Jake! Just like her father! Just like everyone else in her life has! She wouldn't even be in this mess had I manned the fuck up, put my pride in check and just listened to her when she begged me to. I could have taken her away from all of this bullshit. We could have been married and had kids together by now."

"Is that what you really think?" Vance questioned.

"It's what I know. I know I left her when she needed me the most."

"I don't blame you, Porter." I heard her soft voice say.

Both Vance and I turned to find Keira standing in the hallway behind us, looking so small. "Your heart was broken just like mine would have been if I’ seen you kissing another woman. So please, stop punishing yourself. You're here with me now and that's all that matters to me."

Not able to hold myself back, I strode over to her and swept her up into my arms and held her close. "I love you so much baby, and I'll never forgive myself for wasting all those years we could have been together."

"I love you too, Porter. I always have, and I always will." Bringing my face to hers, she kissed me gently on the lips before pushing away from me so she can see my eyes. "Do you really think about having babies with me?"

"Hell yeah, I do. Every second of every day. You're it for me, Ker. You’ve always been it for me."

"We would have beautiful babies."

Hugging her tighter, I turned to walk her back to her room. "Yes, we would because they would look just like you."

"And you," she leaned up, placing a light kiss on my lips.

After she’d finally been released from the hospital the next day, we had three days of peace and quiet from the outside world of politics. Keira sat out in the sun often and drove me crazy with that body of hers I sank my cock into every night, and sometimes during the day when I just couldn't think of doing anything else. I'm not going to lie I was worried about how her and Vance would interact after what we all did together. But in the end, it seemed to have formed nothing more than a strong bond of friendship between the two of them. And I was thankful.

"You are such an ass!" I heard Keira yell, drawing my attention away from my thoughts to the scene unfolding on the back deck between the two of them.

"What? You looked like you were hot," Vance laughed, running away with a cup that held the ice water that was now dripping down Keira's body as she shivered.

She looked over at me with an evil grin. "Say goodbye to your friend sweetie because I am going to kill him!" Full on launching herself at him, she tackled him to the ground. “Got ya!”

Laughing at the two of them acting like brother and sister warmed my heart. To know that we would all be okay with one another after all was said and done with this mess Keira was in. We just needed to figure out who was pulling all the strings behind the scenes and what happened in her father's office that morning. It seemed to be what catapulted the kidnaping and everything else that had happened since.

"Hey man, you going to help me here, or just sit there and watch while she kicks my ass?" Vance asked, laughing as he tried to hold Keira back from getting him in a choke hold like I taught her all those years ago.

"I see you still remember what I taught you, baby," I said, getting up and walking closer.

"Sure do. And now Vance is going to pay for dumping that ice water all over me," she growled as she wrapped an arm around his neck.

"Okay, okay, knock it off you two." I leaned down and picked up a giggling Keira.

"Admit it, I took you out, Martinez!"

"Yeah, yeah. Well since you had Jensen here training you, you had the element of surprise. But now that I know that little bit of information, I'll be ready for you next time, Watson," he wiggled his eyebrows.

Later after we ate dinner and went to bed that night something inside of me seemed to will the sleepiness away like it knew trouble was coming and I needed to be alert and ready right now.

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