Page 17 of Protecting Keira

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Feeling lips pressed to my forehead, I knew it was Porter before I even heard him talk. "Time to get up sleepy head, we're here."

Stretching the kinks out of my muscles, I sat up and looked around. "Where are we?"

"We're in Gilmer, West Virginia."

"Wow, how long have I been out?"

"About five hours now, come on let's get you inside and into a real bed instead of this cramped up truck."

After we grabbed our stuff out of the truck and found our room, we both collapsed on the bed as soon as we walked through the door. "Did you want to take a shower?" He asked.

"No, I just want to stay here in bed and sleep for a year." I chuckled, my face buried into a pillow.

We both did change our clothes before bed, me into one of Porter's T-shirts, him into a pair of boxers that hung perfectly on his sexy hips and muscular abs. Staring at his beautiful body, I just wanted to run my hands and tongue over every dip and rise. I must have stared for far longer then I realized because I was brought out of the trance, the sight of his body put me in every time, by a throat clearing sound. "Keep looking at me like that and we are never going to get any sleep tonight." He smirked at me with a raised brow.

Walking up and wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed him gently on the lips. "Would that be so bad?" and then yawned of all things, making him laugh at me.

"No, there's nothing I want more than to rip my T-shirt off of you, press you against that wall and burry myself deep inside of you, but I know you're exhausted and so am I. Come on," he said, pulling me into bed. "We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow." As we got under the covers, he pulled me in tight against him and kissed the top of my head like he always did. "Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight." A breath of relief for having him in my life left my body, bringing on the sleep I needed.

The next morning we were on the road and after only a few hours finally entering Ohio. "So where are we meeting Vance at?"

"At a hotel he's staying at just outside of Columbus. We'll hole up there for the night as well, get some food and relax before we have to take off for the cabin we're going to. Our flight leaves early tomorrow morning for Montana."


"Yeah. Tanner Coleman, another Army brother of mine and Sheriff up in Shelby, has a cabin at Heaven Lake that he's going to let us stay in while we lay low."

Wondering just how many Army brother's he has I questioned. "How many of you are there? It seems like you have a lot of Army brothers."

"There’s six of us. We were all in a unit together. Best men I've ever known and had the privilege to serve along side with."

Never knowing what it feels like to have true friends in my life, ones that only wanted my friendship and not something else from me, I envied that he had friends who felt that he was important to them for nothing more than who he was, not for what he could do for them. "It must really be nice to have friends that love and care about you just for who you are and not for how much you can help with their careers."

He looked over to me with a frown. "It is, and one day you'll know more than just me who cares about you for nothing other than who you are."

After that conversation we pretty much rode in silence the rest of the way to the hotel, while all I could think about was meeting Vance. I knew that Porter would be watching our interaction closely after what he'd told me about him.

When we pulled up to the front of the hotel, we unloaded our bags and headed inside to check in. We stood at the empty front desk for a moment, when suddenly an incredibly attractive blonde walked up in a cleavage baring, short skirt outfit that just screams look at me! A huge smile crossed her face, and I can clearly see the instant lust ignited in her eyes as she walked over to us, looking Porter up and down like she could just devour him whole, and it pissed me off. I would never get used to the attention he always received from women wherever we went, not like they could help themselves; he was a pretty delicious looking man in every way. But he was mine, and I intended to make sure this bimbo here realized it, too. "Well hello there, how can I help you?" She asked with that purring sound to her voice, and sparkly mega watt smile I was positive she only showed men of Porter’s caliber.

"We'd like to check in." He replied with a smile.

"Of course, and what is the name you're checking in under?" she asks, bending over and giving him a full view of her breasts, they were only a moment from popping out of her top as she typed away on the computer.

He cleared his throat. "Names Carson."

"Yes, I have you here Mr. Carson, if you would just sign this, I will get you your key," she said, handing him some papers and acting like I didn't even exist.

What the actual fuck?

Having had enough of this woman, I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Did you get us the honeymoon suite, babe?" then kissed his cheek as I glared right at her, hoping that she read loud and clear the hands and tits off he's mine message I was clearly sending her.

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