Page 15 of Protecting Keira

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Hearing the two Agent's inform me that my life was in danger, it almost rendered me speechless. Just how much more shit would I have to endure in my life because of my father?

When would it ever end?

All the lies, the deceit, and betrayal.

At least I knew Jake was safe from all of this. I saw a text that I gotten from him right after my interview was over that he was in a warm location with his true love, laying low until this whole thing could be sorted out. Even though his father was pissed at him for it, I couldn't help but envy his choice to throw caution to the wind and just live his life and be who he really was. It was something I should have done a long time ago when I first fell in love with Porter. I sometimes thought about what our life would have been like out there in Wyoming on his farm, far, far away from this world I lived in now that was made up of utter and complete bullshit. I just knew it would have been beautiful because it would have been with Porter, and it would have been real. When Porter squeezes my side twice really quick, I knew he wanted me to make an excuse so he could get me alone, just like he’d taught me to do when we first met. If there was ever a dangerous situation, he wanted me to back out of nonchalantly without bringing attention to myself, he would squeeze my side.

Entering the bathroom, I sat on the edge of the sink and waited for him to come in. Then a few minutes later he did, shutting the door behind him. "What's going on, Porter?"

"I don't know but I think something is up with that Agent Jackson. Agent Walker told me before Jackson came in that I needed to get you out of here and far away. Make you disappear were his exact words. He said no matter what he tells us that I'm to get you out of here." He explained to me in a low voice.

"Okay, but how are you going to do that if they’re making me leave alone with them?"

"You're going to tell them that you have some medication at home you can't be without. I will follow you in my truck and meet you in the alley out back of your place. Use the maid’s entrance to get to the stairs, and whatever you do, don't bring anything that can be tracked, leave all electronic devices at home. Just bring clothes and whatever other necessities you’ll need."

"But what if Agent Jackson sees me and tries to stop me?"

"Tell them to wait in the living room, then cut through the bathroom to the laundry room. That way he'll be watching your bedroom door in the opposite direction."

Grabbing his face, I kissed him. "You are brilliant, you know that?"

"Yeah well, what can I say, I'm not just a pretty face, little lady. I got a little smart’s in me too." He joked, giving me a wink.

I laughed at him. "That you do. Okay, so I'll go out first and you can play the puppy dog losing his toy role?"

Chuckling, he answered. "Yeah, sure. Now be careful and pay attention to your surroundings. If you feel like anything’s about to go down text a 911 to me and I'll intervene, all right? I will not let you out of my sight, even if you can't see me, just know I'm there watching and protecting you."

Kissing him again, all I wanted to do was stay in this moment right now forever, never to deal with the rest of the world ever again. But I knew we couldn't. "Okay, I'm going to go out, wish me luck."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "You don't need it because you're going to do just fine."

As we exited the bathroom, Agent Jackson was already by the door, waiting for us. "I was beginning to think you two were trying to escape in there." He tried to joke but failed miserably.

"I don't think we can even fit out that tiny window, Agent Jackson." Porter snaps back, clinching his fists. "I was just trying to calm Keira down. She's very upset that you're not allowing me to go with her, but I have assured her that you and Agent Walker have her best interests in mind."

Watching his face relax a little, his stance became less coiled and more at ease. "Yes, we do. And I can assure you that we will keep you safe Miss Watson, you can count on that."

"Before we leave, I need to stop by my place. I have some medication that I take daily and can't be without."

"Of course, we don't want you uncomfortable or getting sick, so we will stop there and you can get that as well as some clothes you will need for the trip."

"Thank you," I said as we walked to the front door where Walker waited. Turning to Porter, I hugged him to me tightly. "Thanks again for everything Porter, I'm really going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too, little lady. Now you take care of yourself and try not to give these guys a hard time, okay?"

"Okay." I echoed as my brother made his way over to me, hugging me, and if I was being honest, surprising me by the warmth behind it.

"Please be careful Keira, you're all I have left in this world."

I hugged him back. "I'm going to be just fine. I’ll be back in no time, you'll see."

The two Agent's and I made our way out of the house to the car.

As they closed me into the back seat, I looked up to the stairs only to see my brother standing there with Porter nowhere in sight, causing me to look around for him. "Is everything okay?" Walker asked me.

"Yes, everything is as good as can be I guess."

"Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you, Miss Watson." Agent Jackson assured me as we pulled out of my father’s driveway and onto the roadway.

When we arrived at my place, I set the plan that Porter and I made into motion and had the agent’s wait in the living room while I headed to my bedroom to quickly change and sneak out to meet up with Porter in the alley.

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