Page 14 of Protecting Keira

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As we headed up thestairs to the front door of the modern mansion, it looked like something that you would find in Miami, with its bright white color, and open views through the many sets of windows. I watched as she paused with her hand on the doorknob, taking in a deep breath. Knowing she needed my support to enter this monstrosity, she never thought of as a home, I rubbed my hand over her back and reassure her. "I've got you, Ker. I'm not going to let you crumble in front of these assholes."

Turning to look at me with unshed tears glistening in her eyes from the suns reflection, she smiled. "I know you won't Porter, and I love you dearly for it." Kissing me, she started to walk through the door before I had a chance to question her comment. Before she was even fully through it, the door was ripped out of her hand.

"I thought I told you to leave the trained prick at home, Keira." Bennet snapped in a low growl as he opened the door wider.

"Don't start with me, Bennet. He’s here and he will be staying with me, there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You don't run my world, I do. Now if you'll excuse us I'd like to get this charade over with as quickly as possible, I hate being in this house," Keira said, pushing past him as I smirked, following her inside.

Once we entered inside the house, I could see the bright lights and production set that had been erected in the living room, focused around the sofa and coffee table, creating the area to look like three old friends were just catching up over coffee. When in reality it was nothing but a farce. A showing of two people who practically hated their father as well as each other making a stand to hold up the happy family front that never existed. Politics was such a shit world of lies that someone you called a friend today could slit your throat and step over your dead corpse tomorrow if it meant they could get a higher position politically. I'll never know just how she survived in this world of lies and deceit, but I knew it was what made her the strong woman she had become today.

As she and her brother sat down with the reporter and began the interview, the transformation in them both was beyond astonishing. I knew the real background between these two and their father, but the way they talked about him and each other had even me almost believing that they were the most loving family. As the interview went on, I heard someone enter through the front door and peeked around the corner to see who it was, only to find Agent Walker flashing his badge at the security guard posted at the door. Walking over, I could hear the guy telling him in a low voice that he would have to wait in the sitting room until the interview was over, so I decide to head in there myself to see just why he'd come here, and if he had anything new on her father’s death.

I walked into the room, where he was seated, and he stood up. "Agent Walker, to what do we owe this visit to?"

Shaking my outstretched hand as he looked around, he told me. "It's really a matter that I need to discuss with Miss Watson."

"Well, I am her acting bodyguard, so if this has anything to do with her safety I will need to be briefed as well in order to do my job successfully."

Letting out a sigh, Agent Walker looked over at the security guard before he looked back at me, moving us aside so it was just him and I. "Look, I can't explain things to you right now, but just know I’m aware of who you are Mr. Jensen, and I need you to get her out of here and as far away from this place as possible. I need you to make her disappear, and I know you're just the man that can do that. So no matter what I say or do from this point on, you need to hear what I've just said and make it happen."

Frowning at him, I asked. "Is her life in danger?"

Suddenly speaking normally, he turned to walk away just as another Agent I'd never seen before walked into the room. "I'm sorry Mr. Jensen, it’s just like I've already told you, this is a matter that needs to be discussed with Miss Watson."

"I see," I said, looking at the other Agent that wore a smirk on his face. "Well, I guess we’ll just leave that up to her then, won't we? Because if she wants me to be there when you talk to her, I will be."

As soon as I was done telling him that, wondering just what the hell was about to go down, Keira walked in. "Hi Agent Walker, what's..." She stopped suddenly, looking back and forth between us. "What's going on?"

"I'm afraid you're going to have to come with us, Miss Watson." The other Agent spoke up, moving closer to her, causing me to mirror his actions as I positioned myself between them.

"Why? What's happened?"

"I'd like to know the same thing, what's the meaning of this?" Bennet announced, entering the room with his arms folded, and if I didn't know any better I would say a protective vibe.

"Okay, everyone please just let him talk," Keira said, looking around at all of us. "Who are you?"

"I'm sorry, my name is Agent Jackson. We have good reason to believe your life is in danger Miss Watson, and we need to get you to one of our safe houses."

"In danger?" Bennet questioned, speaking up first as I exchanged a look with Agent Walker, knowing that there was more to this situation than what was being stated.

"Yes, Agent Walker and I were sent here to take her to a safe location until these threats against Miss Watson can be proven unreliable. Director Henson sent down specific orders that she is to be kept safe until we know for sure."

"I am safe," Keira said, speaking up. "I have Porter to watch over me."

"I'm sorry Miss Watson, but we have our orders." Walker informed her. "We will need you to come with us."

"Well she's not going anywhere without me." I stepped up to her side and wrapped my arm around her.

"I'm sorry but that's not possible, Mr. Jensen." Walker stated. "She needs to come with us alone, no one can know the location of the safe house we're taking her to. It's for her own safety."

Giving her side a double squeeze, I was hoping that she would remember the signal that I taught her all those years ago. Because right now, I knew that her life was depending on it by the look in Agent Walkers eyes. "Okay, well, do you mind if I freshen up a little first? It was a long interview and a lot of coffee."

"Of course, we will wait here for you," Agent Jackson said, clinching his jaw like he's just chomping at the bit to get her out of here and alone.

Relieved that she remembered what I had taught her, I followed her out of the room and down the hall to where the bathroom was, both of us under very watchful eyes.

As she entered the bathroom, I sat outside and glared back at Agent Jackson, knowing Walker for some reason didn't trust him. Seeing Bennet walk up and ask him a question, I found myself thankful for his presence for the first time ever and quickly entered the bathroom when Agent Jackson looked away to answer him, shutting the door behind me.

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