Page 10 of Protecting Keira

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After I hung up with Porter, I did everything just as he instructed me to, then it seemed like all I could do was pace back and forth, trying to get the tears and worry I felt racking my body under control. I finally just gave up and headed to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me, and curled up under the covers with my phone, waiting for the one man I knew would save me from all of this.

Feeling a light touch stroking the side of my cheek, I leaned into it, knowing by his outdoorsy smell that it was Porter before I even opened my eyes and saw his handsome face looking down at me with concern heavily etched on his face. "You came," I said with a tearful smile as I sat up and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him down over my body like the security blanket I needed him to be right now.

"I'll always come for you sweetheart, nothing can keep me away." He kissed my forehead as he moved to roll us onto our sides to face one another. Tucking my hair behind my ear to see my face, he kissed me lightly on the lips. "Tell me what happened." The second he asked me the question, flashes of that day came rushing back to me. Hearing the gun shot being fired, all the blood on my father's lifeless body, and the sound of me screaming at the sight of him lying dead on the pavement. The thought of it all steals the words from me before I’m able to even get them out. The only thing that came out instead was a loud sob that sounded like nothing that could possibly come from me. "Shh," he said, wrapping his strong arms around me, stroking my back, and kissing the top of my head just like he always did to calm me down. "We can talk about it when you're ready, just rest. I'm here now. I've got you."

Feelings of warmth and love surround me and sent me into a world of warm bliss as I closed my eyes, knowing that for the first time in a long time; I was safe and back in the arms of the man I loved.

Waking up the next morning to an empty bed, I began to wonder if the whole thing was just a dream I had, that was until I heard his voice talking to someone in the other room.

"She's asleep. You know as well as I do, she's been through something very traumatic and needs her rest." I heard Porter say as I put my robe on and opened the bedroom door.

"I don't give a shit about what you think she needs; I want to see my sister! And don't act like you know what's best for her, that's my job now that our father's gone. You are just another hired hand who was fired for fucking her!"

"Bennet!" I yelled at him as I walked into the living room.

Giving Porter a glare, he headed in my direction. "There you are. I wanted to make sure that you were okay, but your want-to-be bodyguard over there wouldn't let me see my own sister," he stated, wrapping his arms around me like he really cared about me. But we both know the ugly truth.

"Stepping out of the hug, I pulled his arms away from me as I made my way over to where Porter stood. "Well, thank you for concern but I'm just fine as you can see. So why don’t you tell me what is it you really want, Benny? I know you don't come looking for me unless there's some way it's going to benefit you."

"You know I hate it when you call me by that name, I'm not six years old anymore."

"No, you're right, you were much sweeter back then. So as I asked you before, what do you want?"

He turned his eyes on Porter and glared at him, pointing his finger. "Why in the hell are you shacking up with this asshole again?"

Feeling Porter's body coil up for an attack next to me, I grabbed a hold of his hand to keep him grounded. "Get out if you're going to act like an ass, Bennet. I don't need you here judging what I do when you're sleeping with a different whore every night."

Chuckling, he looked over to Porter. "At least they know their place, a hired hole. I guess that makes your friend here what, a hired prick?" He smirked, his glare never leaving Porter.

No longer able to keep a hold on Porter, he charged ahead and grabbed Ben up by the collar, pushing him up against the wall with a hard thud. "Don't you ever fucking talk shit about your sister again, do you hear me? Or do I need to teach you some manners myself?"

"Better get your God damn hands off of me if you don't want a trip to the local jail! One call from me and that's where you're going to find your ass!"

"Both of you just stop!" I yelled, trying to pull them apart and gain some control over the situation before they start trading punches. "Bennet, just tell me what it is you want and then go."

Pulling himself out of Porter's grip, he straightened his shirt and tie before walking over to me. "They need us to do an interview for the news about how much we loved and miss our father, talk about everything he did for us."

I couldn’t help but laugh about how absurd the whole thing sounded. "And just what has he done for us, Bennet? Pushed us into situations that only helped him get ahead in the polls? Using our insecurities to play off of? Or better yet, dictating every second of every day of our lives. There are just so many choices, I don't know which one to choose."

"Don't be such a bitch, Keira. You wouldn't be living as comfortably as you are today if it wasn't for our father."

"You need to stop disrespecting your sister like that in front of me because if you do it again I'm going to put my fist right through that fucking mouth of yours." Porter threatened, inching towards Bennet.

"Then you will go to jail."

Getting up in Bennet's face, he told him in a low warning growl. "And it will be worth every fucking second I'm there after I set your ass straight."

He looked back at me. "Just be at father's house at one o'clock today and say something nice. It's the least you can do. And just so we're clear, I'm not asking." Lingering for a few more seconds, he shot Porter a glare. "Don't bring him." He snapped, walking out the front door, slamming it behind him.

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