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His prayers had been answered.

Hewasa father.

And suddenly a million emotions poured through him, a million feelings so strong he could barely breathe. He was a father, a real father, to a beautiful child, an enchanting creature so lovely, so pure and innocent. He had given Jeanie life, brought into this world the most precious of gifts. He was a daddy.

The emotions came, fast and furious, and with so many names. Joy. Happiness. Elation. Hope. Delight. But one more than anything: love.

He had never imagined a love such as this, the love one has for another being, a love so pure and so perfect. He had already loved the little girl – how could one not – but suddenly it took on a new dimension, a new facet. All the pain, all the misery, none of compared to the beauty he now saw, the hope, the dreams. A wave of joy flowed through him, hope for the future. Tears stung his eyes as his heart squeezed and then expanded larger than he thought possible.

He had a daughter.

This time, no matter what, he would never let his child go. She was his, and no matter what it took, he would keep her. Since they had met, he had cared for her like a father, but he had always held back a little, knowing if things didn't work out he'd have to leave her. Never again. He was a dad,herdad, and no one would ever take that away from him again. With all the breath in his body, he would protect what was his. His little girl. His beautiful, little sweet darling.

He longed to be with her now, to hold her, play with her, tuck her in at night. He wanted to make up for the years he'd missed, the years he hadn't known about. Hewouldmake up for it, he vowed, he would be the best father ever. He would hold her hand and keep her safe, buy her ice cream, tell her she could never date. He would gladly have tea parties, play dress up, tell her every day how much he loved her.

He despaired for the time he had lost, the time so cruelly taken away. But he couldn't change that, couldn’t get back the years that were gone. Fate took away his first chance to be a father, but this time was different. This time a person had stolen them.

He set his jaw, clenched taut muscles and looked at the woman who had kept his child from him. For the first time really looked. And if he'd had any doubts, her expression made it clear.

She knew. All along, for four long years of a cold, cold winter, she had kept his daughter from him, a child from her father. Then she pretended to care for him, but why? For money? For a game? Despair mixed with the joy in his heart; the gain of one love could not make up for the loss of another, in the long line of tragedies. He might not be able to stop caring for her, even in the wake of the ultimate betrayal, but he would not play the fool any longer.

For a second, he thought of accusing her right then and there, demanding answers, and yet something stopped him. First, although his heart knew the truth, he needed confirmation. At dawn's first light, he would travel to the clinic to get proof of the mix-up, undeniable evidence of his paternity. If they couldn't give it to him, a million-dollar lawyer would be on it by lunchtime. Second, he couldn't ignore how much he desired Laura, and not just physically. Despite her actions, he still longed to be with the mother of his child. Finally, as much as he wanted to keep Jeanie all to himself, he couldn't just rip her away from her mother. He had gone through the loss of a child, and he couldn't force that on another, even if it were legally possible, which it probably wasn't. However, he didn't want to be a part-time father.

Why should he give up anything?

Perhaps he'd just keep both of them. But it would be on his terms, with no secrets, no more lies. Laura would become his wife, giving him the family that should have been his from day one. She would grant him everything he wanted, but first, he needed space, time to figure everything out. Then he would take action.

“Aidan, I…”

“I have to go.” At Laura's words, he rose, turned and, without a syllable more, strode away. Away from the woman he thought loved him, away from what was supposed to be the perfect night, away from fathomless consequences.

For a moment, she just sat, frozen as if in a daze. A second later, she jumped up. “Wait!” Footsteps followed him, but it was too late. By the time she emerged from the building, he had jumped into his Porsche, and in a flurry of ominous dust, took off. His heart swirling with an unlikely concoction of unparalleled joy and untold heartbreak, he raced on into the night. Soon he would claim what was his.


Laura trudgedup the steps and into her lifeless apartment. Everything around her was dullness and gray, and even the air tasted stale and bitter. Finally poised to tell him the truth, instead her greatest fear had come to life. What was she going to do?

She still wore the fancy dress as she lay on the sofa, which only moments ago held two lovers. She closed eyes overfilling with liquid pain, daring to dream Aidan would come back. He wouldn’t, of course, at least not tonight. She reached for the phone and called him, but it connected directly with voicemail.

She could drive to his hotel, but somehow she knew she would not find him there. He had been very determined, and obviously did not want to be found. Likely he had chosen another residence for the night. Yet he was not gone for good, that was for certain.

He would be back to claim what was his.

With no options left and no energy to consider the endless possibilities the future might bestow, she didn’t travel to her bedroom. Time passed, and she lay awake, tortured by the memory of Aidan’s shock. Finally, hours later, exhausted beyond reason, she fell into a listless sleep. This was not the night she imagined. Not even close.

Laura awoketo crashes of thunder and the clattering of pounding rain. She stretched, wincing as sore muscles screamed in protest. The fogginess of sleep blanketed her, as she brushed against fabric scratchier than her normal nightgown. Why was she still in her evening gown? Why was she on the couch? A streak of pain pierced her temples as the events of last night rose in all too vivid clarity, like a nightmare from which she couldn’t awaken.

Aidan knew he was a father.

He was thrilled. He was devastated.

She was shattered.

His reaction was a burst of a thousand emotions: at first incomparable joy, beaming, breathtaking delight. He’d looked like a man who had won the lottery, a gold medal and a Noble prize in the same day. Had he even felt the wetness on his cheeks? Yet then his countenance had hardened into pure fury. When he’d looked at her, it was as if she was a stranger, an adversary, anopponent. Did he believe she’d purposely kept Jeanie from him for all these years? Did he think she was toying with him? Had her deception destroyed any chance for them?

Had she lost her true love?

She burrowed deep into the pillows, yet a minute later forced herself to rise.No.This couldn’t be over. She needed to find Aidan. Needed to explain. Needed to tell him how much she loved him.

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