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The scene outside Aidan’s hotel window was mother nature’s masterpiece, emerald fields dotted with towering pine trees and wild hydrangea, rural land as far as the eye could see. What a difference between this and his once extravagant yet ordered life. The hotel room – Pine Ridge's finest – was comfortable yet simple, a one room abode with little furniture beyond a simple oak four poster bed and a diminutive writing desk. By contrast, his last hotel room boasted four bedrooms, six bathrooms, a fully furnished bar and gilded furniture. He couldn't live out of this tiny room much longer, but he kept stalling his departure. He told himself it was because of business, but the truth was, he couldn’t even contemplate leaving. So yesterday he did what he needed to do.

He instructed his assistant to scout local homes for sale.

Three full weeks had passed since his arrival. Three weeks in a whirlwind, a seemingly lifetime of changes in mere moments of time, much of it due to one feisty reporter. From their first lovemaking, they had become secret partners, relishing in each other’s company during the day and stealing intimate moments when Jeanie was away. They had done together all the things life could offer in Pine Ridge – ate at a dozen mom-and-pop restaurants, visited state parks, enjoyed the local drive-through – and although they were not his usual activities, he enjoyed them as much as thousand-dollar society dinners and exclusive political galas.

Best of all, they spent countless moments in the privacy of Laura’s home, with and without precious little Jeanie. The little girl tagged along more often than not on their excursions, but he didn't mind. She was sweet and playful, intelligent and unfailingly adorable. Her smile lit up the room, brightening his mood and bringing a simple yet pure joy. He would never admit how he caved in to her little demands. So he had splurged for the jumbo popcorn and three different types of candy when they went to the movies? So he let her give him a makeover, complete with press-on nails and eyeshadow? He, the man who could take down the most fearsome corporate raider, could apparently be undone by blinking blue eyes. He would have to start holding back soon, but for now he was just enjoying life. For once, he let himself just imagine:

What if this really was his family? Laura his wife? Jeanie his little girl?

What if he simply refused to let them go?

Aidan and Laura still used the guise of reporter/subject, but ever-increasing stares and gossip foretold the ruse’s imminent end. The proposed collaboration between Bancroft Enterprises and Pine Ridge was on the verge of fruition, progressing in daily meetings and countless negotiations. Detailed plans had been set, and all that remained were the final signatures. Those were planned for this very day, with the formal announcement to be made the following morning. Tomorrow night would be a large party, the grandest the town had ever seen, to celebrate the coming together of the two forces. After that, Laura’s assignment would end, along with his excuse to be with her. Time had run out, and like the CEO he was, he made a decisive decision.

He wasn't ready for the relationship to end, not now, not ever.

“Excuse me.Have you seen Aidan Bancroft?” Laura grinned across the narrow mahogany desk at the hotel receptionist. Today she was early – very early – on a search for her formidable quarry. She hadn’t called to surprise him, and he hadn’t answered his door.

With a warm smile, the young blond clerk bobbed her head. Like most people in Pine Ridge, Laura had known the sweet woman for over a decade. “He headed to the gym earlier.”

With a thankful smile, Laura set off for the hotel weight room, traversing a carpeted hallway with pink floral wallpaper and the scent of lemon pine cleaner. Her thoughts swirled around the events that transformed her life, the amazing man who transformed her. More than ever, she couldn’t imagine her world without Aidan. She wanted to give him the greatest gift of all, a present she had already granted him, even if he didn’t know. Every second, she longed to tell him, but still something held her back. The moment she told him, their lives would irreversibly change. She had to prepare for that.

Her mouth dried when she finally caught sight of her prey at one of the machines, surrounded by women. It should be illegal for a man to be that attractive. Wearing loose gym shorts and a tight fitting t-shirt, Aidan looked like an action hero testing his superhuman strength. His biceps bulged as he pushed the weights away in repetitive motions, his muscles rippling, his body straining, his power undeniable. Then he saw her, and his lips curved into a slow, seductive smile, as he set the weights back and removed himself from the machine. He graciously excused himself and walked over.

Aware of their audience, Laura hid her amorous feelings. “Mr. Bancroft,” she intoned casually, “Could you provide an update on the business transaction before the morning meeting?”

“I would be happy to issue a statement for the paper,” he returned in a professional tone. “Let me just retrieve my belongings.”

She tried to hide her anticipation as he left and returned, and they walked together, discussing the business collaboration. Yet she could scarcely track the idle conversation at the powerful presence next to her. When they reached privacy of his room, all talk ceased, and she walked into open arms.

He hugged her tight. “I missed you.” He leaned back so he could see her face. “So very much.”

A shiver streaked through her. She straightened her lips into a serious line. “Are you sure? You didn’t seem lonely back there.”

Aidan raised his eyebrows. “Do I need to prove just how much I longed for you?”

“It’s only polite.” She broke free and sat down upon the soft, velvet-covered bed, patting the space next to her. He strode over and removed his shirt to reveal six-pack abs. She reminded herself not to drool.Repeatedly.

“I don’t give up my secrets easily.” He gave a look of mock seriousness. “You’re going to have to force it out of me.”

With a seductive smile, Laura raised her lips to his…

And tried.

And although she wasn’t able to retrieve the information, it was an absolutely breathtaking attempt.

The remainderof the day thundered by in a flurry of official events. The final papers were signed in front of an audience that even included national news stations. Afterwards, Aidan spent the afternoon in meetings and press interviews while Laura wrote her final piece on the businessman. As if her unconscious didn’t want the formal relationship to end, she wrote slowly, dueling writer’s block and endless distraction. Finally, it was edited, revised and submitted. It was over…

But something else was about to begin.

Perhaps that was why she lay wide awake in bed that night as a thousand thoughts tangled, revolving around the billionaire businessman, her family,theirfamily. Why minutes and then hours passed, but she remained alert and poised. The time had come to implement her decision.

The decision that would forever change her life.

It really wasn’t a choice. It hadn’t been for a long time. With his kindness, honor and goodness, Aidan had long ago earned the right to claim his daughter, and she could no more keep Jeanie from him than from herself. Tomorrow he would learn the truth.

Though her decision had been made, sleep remained elusive. She tossed and turned, shifted, got up and down and drank warm milk, but nothing coaxed her to sleep. Finally, she gave up and invited the proverbial sheep jumping over the fence to ponder the culprit of her insomnia. Aidan had taken up permanent residence in her psyche, claimed it as his own and would not depart. The worst part was the longing – the intense desire, want, need, force to be with him. She wanted to feel his arms around her, holding her tight. She wanted to spend time with him, to playfully banter, to talk about any and every subject. If he had been here, no doubt she would have been asleep long ago, wrapped in his powerful arms.

The emotions originated from the very beginning, since the moment she first laid eyes on the enigmatic billionaire. Already the mysterious feeling had borne many names. At first, she thought it sparked from his connection to Jeanie. Later she had called it lust, and thereafter it had progressed to liking. But none of those names fit quite right, because they had been wrong, so very wrong. The true emotion blazed:

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