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His eyebrow arched with uncanny perception. “Are you certain?” He leaned forward, whispered, “Tell me. What do you want me to do?”

The words provoked crystal clear imagery, pure desire flashing in her mind’s eye. He would run his hands through her hair, caress her curves, grasp her–No!She couldn’t afford to fall for her daughter’s father. “I don’t want anything,” she lied.

“No?” Aidan piqued an eyebrow. “Do you remember what they said about me? I never back down from a challenge.”

Heat surrounded hers, tangling with his spicy scent. His lips were sensual, plump, inviting. Suddenly, she was leaning forward… forward… forward.

Thenshekissed him.

He swallowed her gasp as he caressed her, tasting her swollen softness. She tried to hold back, but after seconds she was lost, and could only return the sensual dance move for move. At her surrender, he deepened the kiss, and his tongue coaxed her lips to allow his entry. Her breaths became his and his hers as they parried back and forth. Heat raced through her body as Aidan brought his arms around her, holding her pressed close against him. He was pure muscle, with a rock solid body of controlled power. She snaked her hands around his back, kneading taut muscles as thick arousal pooled in her blood, sensitizing her. Her breasts ached, as tender muscles begged for his touch.

Somewhere a child laughed, an antidote to break the powerful spell. Chest heaving, muscles aching, she wrenched back, standing silently, shaky on unsteady legs. That he appeared as affected was her only consolation. She hadn't a clue what to say.

He apparently did. “Tell me that didn’t affect you.”

If only she could deny it. The most gifted actress in the world couldn’t lie after that response. “We can’t do this. I can’t do this.” She raked her hands through her hair. “It can’t happen again."

“Why?” He crossed corded arms. “We’re both unattached. We’re responsible, consenting adults. Why shouldn’t we explore it?”

Why indeed? She couldn’t think of anything reasonable to say, at least not something that wouldn't give everything away. She opted instead for silence.

He narrowed his eyes, standing up to his full impressive height. “It’s because of your secret, isn’t it?”

She hesitated for only a second.Too much.

“Yes, it is.” He leaned down. “I might not know what you're hiding, but I'm going to find out. It can be now, it can be later, but it will happen. And then, when everything is out in the open, we’ll explore this.”

“It’s impossible!” Laura clamped her mouth shut at her sudden outburst, forced herself to continue at his sharp gaze. “All right, I'll admit there's a force between us. But it's nothing more than lust. You have the body of a Greek God.”Ummm, had she just admitted that?!“And I’m a warm-blooded woman. There’s nothing to explore, because you see, I don’t do casual flings.”

He smiled, the slow widening grin of a lion. “This is far more than simple lust. I’m not into short-term flings either, and thereisplenty to explore. But now, we're clearly at an impasse. Would you like to rejoin the carnival?”

How could she possibly enjoy the carnival after the kiss? Yet beyond the will-shattering conversation, it was the only path forward. “All right.”

Did he know her casual reply hid untold desire? Sparkling eyes said yes as he put his hand on her back and led her from the hideaway. “And by the way, do you really think I have the body of a Greek God?”

This was going to be a long day.

They walked in silence,but Aidan didn't mind. It gave him time to study the feisty reporter who had unbalanced his world. He had been with enough women to know that was no ordinary kiss. This was no ordinarywoman.

Why she intrigued him so, he didn't know, but it was there and it was strong. And it was going to be explored. A connection like that didn't come often, and he couldn't give up this chance.

The pair passed the information booth, and Laura stopped to get a festival program. He watched the guests stroll by as she leafed though it, halting at the sight of a young family. The father was giving a piggyback ride to a girl while her two younger siblings raced behind, eager for their turns. A sudden sting of sorrow sliced through his chest, so sharp and poignant it felt like a knife pierced his gut.

His child would have been the same age as that little girl.

It could have been him giving piggyback rides, doling out cotton candy, holding his baby as she fell asleep in his arms. It could have been him playing tag, reading stories, holding hands. If only he hadn't fought with Leanne, if only he hadn't caused her to… No, he couldn't go through this again. He breathed deeply, fighting for calm. As Laura turned to face him, he swiftly donned a wall of indifference.

“What shows would you like to…” She stopped suddenly, her expression turning hesitant. "Hey, are you okay?"

Rare speechlessness stole his next words. How had she seen through his mask? How did she know he wasn't okay, that he was never truly okay, would never be okay? Was it another sign of the connection they shared?

“Can I join you?” A third voice spoke.

Grateful for the interruption that allowed him to avoid Laura's question, he turned toward its source. He winced when he recognized Angie Sammons, Pine Ridge’s own runway model. Tall and thin, willowy and graceful, she possessed stunningly beautiful looks and legs that ran from Pine Ridge to New York. Half the men in town chased after the blue-eyed, golden-haired beauty, and the other half would have if they weren’t married. She was an aspiring model, and having landed a few significant campaigns, actually had a promising beginning. Now, however, she gazed at him with undisguised interest.

He felt… nothing.

How strange. Even without a connection, he still usually felt some physical attraction to a beautiful woman. Right now, all that energy was expended on a certain small town reporter whose eyes narrowed at their conversation interloper. How about that? The little spitfire who denied even the slightest of emotions was jealous.

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