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She couldn’t move. Couldn’t speak. Her daughter grinned in precocious mischief, and when she saw her mother, put her finger to her lips in a “shhh” motion. This was worse than the pancake debacle. Jeanie was playing hide-and-seek.

“What are you looking at?” Like a horror movie slow motion reel, he started to turn…


He hesitated, but only for a second. Luckily, the delay was enough. Jeanie slid into the hallway unnoticed.

The man, however, was not to be deterred. He stepped toward the corridor, bringing him inches away from his tiny doppelganger. In a moment, he would come face to face with his child.

No.Every motherly instinct propelled Laura forward. She lunged to the towering man and grabbed his hand. Immediately he grasped her back, turning from captive to captor, prey to predator. Her daughter soundlessly dashed from the corridor and crawled under the coffee table mere feet away.

“What's going on?” His eyes flashed fire. "Is someone there?” He didn’t turn… yet. In another moment he would scour the entire house, discovering his daughter and the truth that would redefine their lives. If only there was a way to distract him. Unless…

Angling around so that her – their – daughter could not see them, she pressed her lips to his.

The kiss was neither hesitant nor shy, neither tentative nor cautious, but bold and brave, courageous and daring. She rubbed her hands over thick muscles, as he seized control, his lips caressing her own, warm, soft and oh-so-inviting. Passion flared like a shooting star, fervor given and received. Pure strength enveloped her, white lightning as he boldly grasped her waist. Throughout her body, cells fired with heightened sensuality and excitement. It was as if she could read his emotions, his confusion, his struggle for understanding, the same feelings tormenting her. But more than anything, the kiss wasdelicious.

A noise sounded, a chiming breaking through the rapid drumming of her heart. The doorbell, she realized a second and eternity later, giving her the control she so easily lost around her child's father. She pulled back and murmured through swollen lips, “Simple lust.”

His eyes burned passion, challenge andsuspicion. "No.” He moved forward, crowding her and asserting his control. “Not lust and not simple, and, despite how you’re acting, not illogical. Before this is over, I will understand." He focused on the lips he had plied moments ago. "Everything."

Her breath hitched. With every minute, exposure was more likely – whether she wanted it or not. Without looking back, she walked stiffly to the door and opened it to reveal her slightly tardy savior. Nancy smiled brightly in a concert t-shirt and blue cut-off jeans. “Ms. Blake, I am so, so sorry,” the young girl spoke before Laura could stop her. “I was just about to leave, but I couldn't find my keys, and then…”

“That’s all right.” Laura held up her hands to stop her before she said anythingmoreincriminating.

“Where is…”

“The supplies you need? Everything is on the counter. Instructions as well as emergency contact numbers. I am available 24-7.” Laura cast a sideways glance at Aidan. He studied her in pensive silence.

“And where is?”

“My most treasured possession? Under the coffee table. Don’t ask. Any questions – call me. Bye!”

With that, Laura took Aidan’s hand and tugged him toward, through andoutthe door, before Nancy could ask if he’d yet met his long-lost daughter. He allowed it, since she wouldn’t have budged him otherwise. As they exited the home and then the building, choices and chances returned, yet her relief soon died. Wearing a tight expression, Aidan stared straight ahead, his determination as powerful as the hand now gripping her. That had been disastrous. What lie was she going to tell to get out of this one?

What lie wasshe going to tell to get out of this one?

Aidan gazed at the woman before him, amidst endless mystification, confusion and suspicion. She’d lied about nearly everything in the last few minutes, but why? What was she hiding?

The kisses were even more confusing than her nonsensical actions. They piqued emotions he couldn’t hide, far beyond desire and attraction, a connection transcending the physical. She claimed lust, but that bode a stark understatement. Despite their confusing interactions, he wanted to spend more time with her.


Wait, what?

“I suppose you’re wondering what happened back there,” Laura called back casually as she galloped down the stairs. She seemed desperate to flee her apartment and the past, both futile endeavors. Didn’t she realize she couldn’t escape him?

He didn’t say a word, just nodded. Best to let her saytoomuch.

“Well…” She paused, her scheming obvious as she concocted a story to hide the truth. “Nancy is my… my housekeeper. She comes once a week to clean the place.”

It took iron discipline to hide his laughter. She’d hired a teenage groupie to be her maid? He didn't think so. “Really?”

She licked dry lips, which brought his attention to her mouth, which made him remember the kiss, which made him think about what else he'd like to… He forced his gaze back to her face, as she continued herstory. “Well, she’s a student, too. She just cleans for extra money.”

“All right. Let’s say that part is true.” He said it in a tone that clearly statedhedidn’t believe it was true. “What did you mean about your most treasured possession being under the coffee table?”

“Why the floor, of course."

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