Page 34 of No Mercy

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“They’re totally gonna have sex,” Lili whispers, following my line of sight.

“Yep.” I pop thep, a little exasperated it’s not me.

Lili nudges my shoulder. “What’s up?”

“Nothing. Just thinking about my trip.”

“Three days isn’t a long time.” She edges the plate of appetizers my way, but I decline. “You might even get some phone sex out of it.”

“Oh, did I hear phone sex?” Marni, Lili’s longtime friend, chimes in.

I wave off the idea. “No one is having phone sex.” I lean forward. “Unless you have details to share from your date last night.”

“Nope. No deets.” Marni zips her lips. “The only action I’ve seen lately is expressing a rottweiler’s anal gland.”

“Eww! No. If you think that’s action, then we need to have a talk.” Lili swats at Marni’s arm.

The four of us break into a fit of giggles, leaving me breathless and looking into the blue eyes of the man who’s been on my mind nonstop since I left work.

“Ladies,” Gabriel greets the table. My earlier stance of standing on my own falls to the wayside as thoughts of climbing the sexy brick wall of a man standing before me take precedence.

“Let me guess.” Lili motions to me. “You’re here for your better half?”

He nods, barely giving her a smile, and reaches for me. “It’s time to go.”

“What if I don’t want to go?” I object as I scoot out of the booth, not really wanting to put up a fight but feeling like I should make a show of it.

“Then I promise to make it worth your while.” He all but starts to drag me away. “Say goodnight, Angel.”

I turn to the girls. No reason to fake disappointment, because I’m not. He came after me because he misses me. “Thanks, ladies. I’ll see y’all when I get back.”

Gabriel growls, tightening his hold on my hand.

“Obviously Cap told you about my trip.”

“The question isn’t did he tell me? The question is why didn’t you?”

“I was punishing him for sleeping with his assistant and for dragging me along at the last minute.” I pull from his grip, standing my ground only a few feet from the exit. “That’s why. I don’t like being an afterthought.”

“Angel, you have one of two choices.” He leans in, his lips grazing my ear, ensuring I hear him over the hum of the bar. “One: youwalkto the car.” He fingers toy with my waist, skating along the edge of my jeans. “Two: Icarryyou to the car.” He stands, raising his voice, “You have five seconds to decide.”

As much as I love his alpha ways, I have to give him a hard time. I can’t help it. It’s in my nature to push back as much as it’s in his nature to want me to surrender. He’ll have to work for it. “Why are you upset?”


“Because I’m going?”


“Or because you don’t control if I go?”




“Gabriel!” I squeak when he lifts me in his arms. At least he didn’t throw me over his shoulder fireman style.

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