Page 36 of Fight

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I chuckle, Alaric is nearly twenty years older than me, but it’s never really felt like that big of a gap, “You know, I just worry about you guys, you’re family.”

“I know, and we love you for it.” Alaric chuckles as I glance away, clearly uncomfortable with the emotions, my eyes landing on the guys chatting and happily throwing people into the back of Alaric’s van.

It makes me really happy that they get along.

“Enough of that,” I reply, ignoring his widening smile, “why did you want to talk to me?”

“Oh yes,” he replies as he reaches into one of his many deep pockets and pulls out two small black boxes.

Before he can say anything or explain what they are, Ace calls out, “Oh, are they bombs? Can I play?”

Alaric raises his eyebrow, but again before he can reply, Rome does, “No idiot, and they’re having a private conversation. You can blow up something soon.”

“Seriously?” Alaric asks me, incredulous amusement in his expression.

I shrug, “Yep, you get used to it.”

“He looks like he’s just been through the fucking ringer, you all do, and yet he still wants to play with explosives?”

“Well, he didn’t get to blow anything up on this job and hasn’t for a while, so, yeah,” I reply.

“Okay, you know what? I’m just going to leave that where it is.” Alaric replies.

I nod, “Probably smart. You’ll go down a rabbit hole of what the fuck, otherwise.”

He bursts out laughing at my analogy and then shakes his head, “Alright, before we get interrupted or sidetracked again, these are for you.”

I look at the little black boxes in his hand, “And they are?”

Alaric smirks, “Well, D mentioned that you now have a team, and you’re actually working with them. Obviously, he didn’t give me any details, but I know that you’ve never really worked with a team before, and trying to coordinate everyone is difficult, so I’ve got you high tech top of the range earpieces, you’ll be able to communicate with each other no matter where you are and from quite a range. I’ve put all the details about that sort of thing in one of the boxes as well, so you can go over it. There are enough for each of you, D did let me know that much, but I’ve also put two extra’s in because I’ve lost count of how many I’ve lost or broken on missions, and it’s always a good idea to have spares.”

Taking the boxes that he’s holding out to me from him, I smile, “Wow, thank you. I was actually wishing that we had something like this while we were extracting Daniel. We just had to hope that everyone was doing what they were supposed to be doing and that nothing had gone wrong. We were fortunate this time, but it won’t always be that way and it was on my list of shit to look into, so I really appreciate that you’ve saved me a job.”

“You’re welcome,” Alaric replies, “if there’s anything that you need in the future, let me know, and I’ll do my best to help. I know we have to keep our contact short thanks to our vocations, but I now have a secure phone, and I mean even more secure than my last one. Also, one that Bossman doesn’t know exists, so I’ll give you that number in case you need it, and of course, you’ve got Atlas and Rage's ’s numbers too.”

“Thanks, it’s always good to have backup like you guys if I need it,” I reply, and then add, “The same goes for you; anything you need, give me a call.”

“You got it,” Alaric replies as we move closer to the van again, where the guys have finished loading our captives and are now talking. “We’re most likely going to need some backup when we’re finally ready to deal with Liam.”

“I’d be surprised if you didn’t, he’s not an easy person to go up against, and he’s got enough people on his side that he’s going to be fucking difficult to take down,” I reply seriously and then add with a sharp smile, “we’d love to help, sounds like fun.”

“I knew you’d say that.” Alaric mutters.

“We’re all ready to head off,” Rage tells us as we get closer, “we should probably get going before any of them wake up.”

“Although it’s always more fun when they do,” Atlas smirks.

“True,” Rage agrees.

“Keep in touch, and we’ll see you soon, hopefully,” I reply, giving all of them hugs as the guys say goodbye, and then we head back to the van.

Once we’ve watched them drive off and are sure that they haven’t been followed, we turn the van around.

“Where are we headed?” Malachi asks.

“Back to the Grandparents,” Rome replies.

“Are they done with sorting the mess we left at our place already?” Mason asks, sounding slightly surprised.

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