Page 79 of Don't Date A DILF

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Kevin gasped, pretending to be affronted. “Bitch, please, I’m practically a celebrity in this town.”

“And here comes the diva,” Hunter murmured.

Kevin jabbed a fingertip into Hunter’s chest. “Don’t forget I’m doing you a favor this weekend. Unless you want to take Toby home with you tonight?”

That sent my heart skipping all over again. When Hunter had told me he’d have the whole weekend free, all sorts of naughty ideas had filled my head. Me on my knees for Hunter. Hunter pinning me to the mattress and making me beg. So many bad, bad things.

I shifted, trying to clear my head before I got hard in the middle of a backyard barbecue, while Kevin smirked.

Hunter raised his hands. “I meant that as a compliment,” he said earnestly. “Kevin is the best. Everyone loves him.”

“They fucking better,” Kevin joked, then glanced around to check no kids were nearby. Toby had joined up with a few of the other younger guests, who appeared to be randomly running and screeching at high volume.

Garrett redirected the conversation to Hunter’s home renovations, and Hunter casually draped an arm over my shoulders and pressed a kiss to my temple while they talked. My heart skittered around, but I tried to look as if having a hunky man holding me close was a normal occurrence.

Kevin’s gaze was warm, and I got the feeling he saw through me to the fluttering mess I was inside.

“If I never have to strip wallpaper again, I’ll die a happy man.”

“There are many better things to strip,” Kevin teased.

Hunter pointed his beer bottle at him, then looked at me, eyes hot enough it felt as if he could burn my clothes away with his intent. “There sure as fuck are.”

Those eyes made promises, and I hoped Hunter could deliver because this past week had been the biggest tease of my life.

I’d missed that whole phase in high school where you made out in cars or snuck in a quick kiss or grope when someone wasn’t looking. But I’d gotten a crash course the past few days, and it had been amazing, but I was ready to take the test—the sexy, naked, orgasmic kind—and hopefully pass with flying colors.

I was still a bit nervous about that since it wasn’t solely up to me. There was no amount of prep I could do that would ensure Hunter enjoyed getting naked with me. I could only hope his enthusiasm over our clothes would translate once we were skin to skin.

Hunter turned back to Garrett as if he hadn’t just raised my temperature a few degrees with one look. “Anyway, next on the agenda is refinishing the wood floors.” He lifted his bottle to take a sip, then realized it was empty and lowered it. “I’ve been researching it, but that’s going to be a bitch too.”

“Welcome to home improvement,” Garrett said with a chuckle. “I wish I could help more.”

“He’s not kidding,” Kevin said, a fond look in his eye. “He’s dying to help, but…”

While they talked, I slipped out from Hunter’s arm and headed for the cooler to grab him a fresh drink, nodding a hello to Darren and Linc as I did. The backyard was full of familiar faces, and we hadn’t eaten yet, having spent our time talking with friends and family. Evan and Dawson were there too, and earlier we’d gotten sidetracked into a rant about school resources or the lack thereof. Wes and Beckett had somehow wrangled an invite, despite this not being their crowd—those two never passed up a chance at free food—and Hunter’s mom had spent a good ten minutes scolding him for not bringing me over for dinner and pinching my cheeks while cooing that we were anadorablecouple.

It was no wonder Hunter already needed another drink. After grabbing his beer, I decided to fix him a plate too. I spotted Toby nearby, so I waved him over. “Are you hungry?”


“Show me what you like.”

I prepared a plate with a hot dog, potato salad, and some chips for Toby, then piled a second one with a hamburger, hot dog, and some side items. I didn’t know Hunter’s favorites yet, but from what I’d seen, he wasn’t picky, so I crossed my fingers it would be to his liking.

“Clark, hello again,” Agatha said warmly as she stepped up beside me. “Are you here with Hunter?”

A heavy hand landed on my lower back. “He is,” Hunter said, his deep voice rippling through me. “I was wondering where you’d gotten off to. Food is a good idea. Sorry I got so caught up talking to …”

I handed him the plate and he trailed off, staring down at the contents with a confused expression.

“This one’s for you.” I hesitated. “Unless you don’t like what I picked out?”

“No, this is great.” He still looked flustered. “Uh, but I should probably get something for Toby.”

“Oh, I did already.”

He stared at me, wide-eyed. “You did?”

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