Page 12 of Taboo Perfect Storm

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It’s then that I realize she probably needs some shit. She’s not my wife yet, but she will be in a few weeks, and it wouldn’t do to have my wife walking around in a bunch of borrowed shit. But I don’t want to send her off with the girls, either. They’ve already dyed her hair. No telling what the fuck they would dress her up in.

Glancing over my shoulder at the bar, I notice just how quiet it is today. Everyone seems to be busy doing other shit. I shift my attention back to meet hers, my gaze searching her own before I speak.

“Be ready at noon tomorrow. We’ll go for lunch and run some errands.”

“Itch?” she asks, using my name for the first time ever.

“Just be ready,” I say with a smile.

Then, wordless, I take a step back from her and turn around to face the bartender again. If I don’t get away from her, get her out of my sight, I’ll lose control. I want her too fucking badly, and right now, I’m not sure if I’ll ever have her.

There is a whole host of reasons why I should stay far away from her, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to. Lifting my hand to the prospect behind the bar, I order a drink.

“Youare in trouble,” a woman’s voice murmurs beside me. Turning my head slightly, I look over to see that Henli is sitting beside me.

“Am I?” I ask.

She hums. “You are. That girl is sweet, and there is no way you won’t fall madly in love with her. She’s going to own you, Itch.”

I snort, wondering if she can’t tell that Piper is already wrapped around my heart and squeezing it. She fucking owns me already, and I’ve only said a few words to her. I can’t imagine what it will be like later.

Once I’ve fucked her.

Once I’ve lain beside her soft body.

Once I own her.

“She already does, Henli.”

I pick up the bottle of beer and turn my head from her, facing forward, and bring the bottle to my lips. This conversation is over. I don’t need anyone telling me how much I’m going to fall for Piper. I’ve known that she was special since we were both being held against our will at Cyrus’.

Thankfully, Henli slips away, and I spend the rest of the evening drinking my hangover away. It works, but I’ll probably feel a lot worse tomorrow. Doesn’t matter. I’ll worry about that then, not tonight.



After the girlsleft the clubhouse, I slipped into my room, not wishing to sit around and watch all the men do whatever it is they do in the bar.

I know what they do, but I don’t want to witness it.

Especially since Itch was down there. I don’t want to see him with other women. I know he’s been with them. I’ve seen it happen, and every single time, my stomach twists, turns, and I feel completely sick.

I don’t sleep.

Lying in bed, I think about my hair, my dress, the beautiful cake the girls helped me design. I think aboutthe big dayin a few weeks. I don’t know what anything else about the wedding will be like, but if these women have anything to do with it, I know it’s going to be amazing.

Then my mind drifts to theafter.

AfterI am officially his.

AfterI have pledged my life to him.

Afterhe owns me.

Only then will I know exactly what life will be like for me. It’s all wedding dresses, cakes, and hair right now. But in a few weeks, it will become reality. Sucking in a breath, I wince as the sunlight spills into my room.

I turn my head to look at the small clock that sits on the crate I have used as my nightstand. Letting out a sigh, I decide to get up. I have to do a little laundry, and apparently, I have to run undisclosed errands today. I could lie and say I’m dreading that, but I’m not. I’m excited to go somewhere again. Two days in a row almost feels like a treat, and how sad is that?

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