Page 97 of The Curse Defiers

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“I may have put you in danger in the first place, but haven’t you noticed I’ve spent the rest of my time trying to keep yououtof danger? This falls under the same category. I’ll cover for you. I’ll tell him I used my questionable resources to figure out where you were.”

My mouth parted in surprise. If anything, I would have suspected that he’d cause trouble between us in the hopes of breaking us up.

“I’m going to head around to the back of the building. I need you to watch the front. If you see any movement or activity, text me. Only call if it’s an emergency.” He paused. “You have your phone with you, right?”

I nodded.

“How about a kiss for luck?” he teased.

“Not on your life.”

He sighed. “Let’s hope it’s not on David’s.” Then he crawled across the roof and disappeared.


David had been inside for more than twenty minutes, and there was no sign of any activity in the building, nefarious or otherwise.

Was Collin serious about protecting David, or was he just saying that to placate me? One thing was for sure—having Collin’s help was better than having no help at all. Without him, I’d still be perusing carpets.

I kept my eyes trained on the front door, seeing into the small front office, which was empty besides a metal desk and two plastic chairs. What was going on behind that secured door?

I checked my phone to see if I’d missed a message from David somehow, but my screen was glaringly empty.

Several minutes later Collin texted me.

I’m in the back with no signs of trouble. Anything in the front?


There was a pause before he texted back.

I’m going to do a bit of snooping. Text me if you see anything.

I hesitated before texting back.

Be careful.

I expected a smart-ass response but got nothing. I wished I knew what he was planning to do. Instead, I was forced to sit there helpless, watching the building where the two men I cared about might be in serious danger.

Several minutes later, a black limo pulled up in front of the building as the secured door to the back of the front office opened. A sharply dressed woman emerged, her snow-white hair perfectly coifed. She walked with an air of confidence and power. I expected David to follow her out the door, but she was alone.

I quickly texted Collin.

The woman came out as her limo pulled up. She’s alone. Anything?

He quickly responded.


Shit. The driver got out and walked around the car to open the door for her. She was about to climb into the back when the secured door opened again and a well-built guy wearing jeans and a dark T-shirt who looked like he was in his twenties walked out to talk to her. My binoculars were trained on them, so when he lifted his hand to his face, I could see that his knuckles were bloody with fresh wounds.

My heart threw itself into my rib cage.David.

I zoomed the binoculars in closer and noticed flecks of blood on his arm. I called Collin and he answered on the first ring.

“Collin, they’ve done something to David.” My voice shook with panic.

“What? What do you see?”

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