Page 102 of The Curse Defiers

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“That’s the best you’ll get, Elinor. Take it or leave it.”

“It’s not my call to make,Miriam. It’s up to Collin.” I opened the car door, but she surprised me by grabbing the handle and pulling it closed.

“If you are going to leave without reaching an agreement with me, then I’ll need a deposit to pay for the care and well-being of your beloved Dr. Preston. Otherwise, we’ll deliver him dead.”

I couldn’t contain my shock.

She smiled and almost looked pleasant, like an overly polite grandmother. “I thought that might grab your attention.”

“What do you want?”

“The ring on your hand.”

I instinctively raised my hand, my left hand fingering the band. “Why?”

She tilted her head to the side, irritation flickering in her eyes. “Why?Because it doesn’t belong to you. It was given to your mother in good faith and never returned. It belongs to the Guardians.”

“Did you play any part in my mother’s murder?”

She rolled her eyes in disgust. “Why would we want her killed? We wanted her expertise. She was killed by barbarians. We presumed they stole the ring.”

“Why doyouwant it?”

“Seeing how it is my property, I don’t feel the need to tell you. Why doyouwant it?”

“Sentimental reasons.”

She chuckled. “You are a very gifted liar.”

Collin would be so proud.

“I need you, Elinor, and I’d prefer for you to be cooperative. I’m told you need a bit more time before you’re ready, so I’m happy to let you go prepare. But make no mistake: I have no problem taking you with me right now. So I’ll take your ring as a down payment for Dr. Preston’s care as well as insurance that you’ll meet me tomorrow night.”

Did I really have a choice? Could she or someone else in her group use the power of the ring? Did they even know what to do with it?

Her eyes narrowed. “Now, Elinor.”

With shaky fingers, I slipped the band off my finger and placed it in her open palm. While I’d never planned to use it, my finger felt naked, and I worried about what she’d do with it. But I’d do anything to save David, even if I was trying to project otherwise.

“That’s a good girl.” She thrust a cell phone toward me. “You’ll want this. Call the most recent number with your answer. But don’t take too long. Dr. Preston’s current hosts aren’t very civilized, if you catch my meaning.” She leaned toward the door and called out, “Marcus, Ms. Lancaster has recovered enough to take her leave.”

He opened the door and I started to get out, but before I did, I turned around to stare at her.

“You messed with the wrong person,” I said after a long moment passed. “You might get what you want this time, but in the end, I will hunt you down and make you sorry you ever messed with me.”

She laughed. “Youarequite entertaining.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “The last demon I killed thought the same. Disposing of you will be ten times easier.” I climbed out and slammed the door on Miriam’s stunned face.

Unfortunately for her, it wasn’t an empty threat.


The limo pulled away just as Collin rounded the corner.


I turned to him, my anger surging. “Did you get David?” I asked, hoping Miriam had been bluffing even if I knew better.

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