Page 80 of Pucker Factor

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“Yes, I can.”

“Really? Because I thought he’d be okay with it. Interesting.” He cocked his head to the side in thought. I snapped my fingers in his face to focus his attention. “Right, so he was really pissed at me, so I sort of went rogue.”

“It’s what you do,” I nodded.

“Andobviously, I wasn’t going to leave you alone out here with those guys,” he pointed at everyone else.”

“They’re my team. Well…sort of my team.” IKE and IRIS weren’t on my team. And neither was Scottie Dog, but they worked for OPS, which meant they were always on the same side as me.

“Yeah, but…” He leaned in so only I could hear. “It’s me. Seriously, who’s better?” When I didn’t answer, he took a step back and shifted uncomfortably. “Okay, I was not expecting that answer, but it’s okay. I mean, I thought we had something special, butclearly, you see things differently.”

“Fox!” I yelled. “The story.”

“Yeesh, alright. Anyway, while Cash was busy throwing his fit, I followed the tracker and—”

“Wait, if you had the tracker, why did you have to hack the satellite?”

Again, he shot me that funny look. “Why does anyone hack a satellite? So, I followed it and came down here to rescue you. That’s where I ran into Emilio and was like,Hey, Emilio!I mean, I’m pretty sure that’s his name. You know, come to think of it, that might be why he was looking at me funny when I called out his name.”

“So, you found Emilio and hitched a ride. How did he know where to find you?”

“Um…I thought you would have figured that one out, big guy. Did you hit your head? I gave him my tracking data.”

I whipped out my knife and grabbed his arm, jabbing the blade deep into his skin. He didn’t even scream. In fact, he sort of looked like he was enjoying it. Fucking weirdo. I pulled out the tracker and tossed it overboard after cracking it.

“Nice, I like the way you think.”

I took a step into his space and lowered my voice. “You handed over your tracking data. What the fuck were you thinking?”

“Seriously, it was a choice between finding you and exposing myself. What did you think I was going to do? You know, I think you underestimate just how far I’d go for you.”

“You’re going to get us all killed,” I bit out. “These guys already drugged Sarah. You don’t even know who they are!”

He fucking rolled his eyes at me. “Okay, I may have withheld a teensy bit of information from you,” he said, holding his forefinger and thumb just a scant inch apart.

“And what was that?”

He glanced over his shoulder again, then grinned at me. “They’re not really fishermen. I just told you that to get you on the boat.”

“And what do they really do?”

“Oh, cartels and shit. Yeah, this is an arms dealer’s hot spot. I actually found out from Asher. He would have been pretty helpful in this situation. You know, if his wife hadn’t died and he didn’t walk away from everything.”

“So, you knowingly put us in a situation that could get us all killed.”

He slapped me on the arm. “Man, you are way too uptight. You sound just like Lock. You need to loosen up and live a little! This is going to be so much fun!”

He turned and walked away. “What’s going to be fun?” I shouted, but he didn’t bother answering. I knew I was going to regret this, but what other choice did I have but to go along at this point?

* * *

I’d been watching Fox intently since he dropped his little bomb about the cartels. Maybe I should have been watching the strangers on the boat, but Fox had something up his sleeve, and I wasn’t going to be surprised when everything blew to shit.

“She’s coming around,” Red said as he walked up to me. “Whatever they gave her, it’s finally wearing off.”

“She only took one fucking drink,” I muttered as I tied a rope the way one of the guys taught me. I was going through the motions, pretending to help out, but something very fucked up was about to happen. “Do you think she’ll be ready?”

“For what?” Red asked, grabbing another rope.

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