Page 101 of The Pucking Wrong Guy

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As I traced the contours of her face with my gaze, I could feel the restlessness within her. She wanted to run, to escape this thing between us…but I wouldn't allow it.

She had come back last night, whether driven by her own conflicted desires or the cruel pull of fate, it didn't matter. Her return had saved me from hours of hunting her down.

I shifted closer, my hand grazing the curve of her hip. I knew she felt it, that golden thread that bound us together, even in the face of everything. The intensity of my desire for her was all-consuming, a delirium that threatened to destroy us both.

She belonged to me, whether she fully comprehended it or not. The truth may have fractured the delicate illusion of our love, but it hadn't extinguished the fire that burned between us.

I leaned closer, my lips brushing against the curve of her neck, claiming her as my own in that stolen moment. The darkness of our desires enveloped us, a heady cocktail of passion and pain, and I knew that there was no turning back. She was mine, and I would do whatever it took to make her understand that.

Including making things a bit more…permanent.

I grabbed my phone with my free hand and texted Linc.

Me: Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair.

Lincoln: If that’s a line you use on girls, it needs some work.

Me: You shut your mouth. My lines are perfect, golden boy. 10/10.

Lincoln: Oh yeah…how’s it going with Blake?

Me: …

Lincoln: That’s what I thought…

Me: Well, I mean. It’s going great. She just doesn’t know it yet.

Lincoln: I somehow understand that perfectly.

Me: I’ll send you pics of the wedding…

Lincoln: What? You’re getting married?

Me: Yeah. But again…She doesn’t know it yet.

Lincoln: …

Me: …

With a plan in place, I pulled her closer to me…and quickly fell into a blissful sleep.

* * *


The day had crawled by like an eternity, and Ari had stayed practically glued to my side. He tried to talk to me several times about everything, but I couldn’t do it. Not yet.

Maybe not ever.

I kept opening my mouth to tell him we needed to take a break…or something. But every time I did, I couldn’t get the words out.

Because the thought of not being with him, even for a few days, my heart couldn’t handle it.

Now, we were in the back of a sleek limo that Renage had sent for us, driving to the release party, the silence between us thicker than ever. The tension in the air was palpable, and I could sense his frustration. He’d been his charming self today, if clingier, but I kept telling myself this wasn’t healthy. I couldn’t just let it go…


As the city lights blurred past us, I was dreading the night ahead. The party was meant to be a celebration of my first big break in the modeling world. And now, all I wanted was to drown my sorrows in alcohol, and forget about the mess that had become my life.

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