Page 2 of Rekindled Soul

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“It looks pretty deep, did you hit your head?” The girl seems genuinely concerned when she stretches up on her toes to inspect it closer, and having her that close to my lips makes me want to kiss her. Which is real fuckin’ strange because kissing women is something I don’t make a habit of.

“No… I mean, I caught it on the door when I was getting out of a cab.” I make up some lame-ass excuse, which she seems to accept.

“Listen, my hotel’s a five-minute walk from here, I could clean that up for you,” she offers, having no idea who I am or what I’m capable of.

“No!” I cut her off far too quickly, and I can’t decide if she’s just startled or offended when she frowns back at me.

“I mean, it’s fine, it don’t even hurt.”

“You could have a concussion,” Her thumb swipes over the gash on my forehead and when her eyes focus on the blood it collects, then flick back up at me again; something about seeing the way it stains her skin turns me feral. Without thought or warning, I reach out and grab the girl’s jaw in the arch of my hand, drawing her lips up to mine and kissing the hell out of her. The rain doesn’t seem to hit so hard as I back her into the nearest doorway, and I’m surprised when she doesn’t do a thing to stop me. This girl’s different from anything I’ve held in my hands before, she feels like the forbidden fuckin’ fruit, and as my tongue explores her mouth I decide that she tastes fuckin’ spectacular too.

I figure she must have come to her senses when she forces me back, and for a few heartstopping seconds, we stare at each other, catching our breaths, while the rain pelts down against us.

“You still wanna clean it up?” I break the silence. My cock is stretched uncomfortably in my jeans, and when she nods her head back at me submissively, I step aside so she can lead the way. She smiles devilishly as she slips her other shoe off and crouches down to pick it up off the ground; then, taking my hand, she leads me down the cobbled street, running barefoot.

“Cobe,” Bullet slaps my back and brings me back to the present.

“We kinda lost ya for a while there, ya good?” He’s looking border-line worried.

“Yeah, I’m fine. We doin’ this pickup or not?” I growl impatiently.

“Your keys?” Our new prospect, Jekyll, reminds me.

“Yeah. I’ll meet ya out front.” I tell ‘em both, heading to the door behind the bar so I can run upstairs and grab them. When I’m alone, I take the heel back outta my pocket and stare at it for a while. Is it sad that, after nearly a year, I still carry it with me?


But it’s my reminder that what happened was real, and for that reason, I ain’t ever gonna part with it.

“Why is no one taking this seriously?” Mom slams the rose stalks on the table in front of me while my stepdad and his pathetic son do nothing.

“So, she pissed off one of her Tinder dates.” Scott gets up and moves toward the breakfast counter so he can help himself to the buffet Martha laid out.

“I don’t know, Scott, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened, and these were left on the doorstep.” Mom sounds more worried than angry now, and it reminds me how serious this is.

“She’s moving to California in a few weeks, anyway,” Scott reminds us all, and when I see the look of distaste on my stepfather’s face, I instantly feel guilty. Jeremy offered me a job at his law firm when I finished university, and although my stepdad is a kick-ass lawyer, and the opportunity to work alongside him is a law student's dream, it all seemed so suffocating. I’ve lived here in New York since I was born, I’ve done everything my mother and stepfather have ever asked of me. Now that I’ve finished my education, it’s time for a change of scenery.

“How about everyone stops talking about me like I’m not here?” I suggest, tearing some of my croissant off and popping it in my mouth.

“Do you really think it’s safe to move to a new city all by yourself?” Mom reaches across the table to pour herself some juice.

“Yes!” I snap back before anyone here gets any ideas. I’m fed up with the naive, little rich girl treatment. I’m a grown-ass woman, perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Sometimes, I wish the people who are staring back at me like I’m crazy could have seen the girl I became during those few days in Paris. The girl who got fucked on every surface of her hotel suite by the filthy-mouthed, tattoo-covered bad boy I met in the street.

Just thinking of him causes a spark of thrill in the pit of my stomach.

“She’ll be fine, she’s a big girl.” My stepbrother mocks me, ruffling up my hair as he sits beside me.

“Then maybe you should head out there with her for her first month, make sure she gets settled.” What my stepfather suggests is a terrible idea and I instantly shake my head at it.

“No, absolutely not. This is my—-”

“I’m not going there with her!” Scott shares my horror.

“Darling, it would just be for a few weeks to get you settled. And you do have a two-bed apartment.” Mom reminds me of thesurprisegoing away gift she got me. Paying my rent for the first six months was a sweet gesture, which I translated as her giving me six months to fail.

“I don’t need a two bed. That was on you.” I stare back at her judgingly.

Isn’t it sad that I wasn’t even allowed to choose my own damn apartment?

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