Page 1 of Rekindled Soul

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‘Bound not by blood but loyalty.

We live, we ride,

and we die by our own laws’

“What the fuck is that?” Jekyll looks at the broken-off, high-shoe heel I accidentally put on the bar while emptying my cut pockets to look for my keys.

“It ain’t nothin’!” Snatching it back up, I quickly tuck it away again.

“I probably left my keys upstairs in my apartment, anyway.” I change the subject, patting down my jeans and cursing myself for being so careless.

“Was that the heel of a woman's shoe? Whatcha use that for? A weapon?” Bulletproof’s laugh causes more unwanted attention.

“No, I don’t use it as a fuckin’ weapon.” I roll my eyes.

Ain’t no way I’m tellin’ ‘em, where I got it from or why I keep it. They’ll think I’m pathetic.

Iampathetic. But as I reach back into my pocket and touch the heel, just to check if it's still there, I think back to a time I never want to forget…

I hold my grip firm until his body stops struggling, and his pulse stops beating against my palms. Then, finally releasing him, I stare into the eyes of a soulless man.

Ed tried running, but it was impossible for him to hide. Not from us, and not from justice.

No one but us know he’s here. I’ve watched him come and go from the abandoned apartment above the closed-down pátisserie. It could be weeks before anyone finds his body, and today, I figured it would be the perfect place for him to meet his end.

I take the burner phone out my pocket and call my Prez back in Utah and when he answers I keep things as brief as possible.

“It’s done,” I inform him, looking down at Ed’s limp, useless body.

“Clean?” Dec checks.

“Ain't it always?” I laugh a little smugly as I check around the room, ensuring I’ve not left any evidence behind. It looks as though Ed was traveling light, but then, he did have to get outta Utah pretty fast.

“Any chance on gettin’ my return flight outta here any sooner?” I’ve only been in Paris three days and I’m already done with city life. I miss my bike, and I miss the open roads I can ride it on.

“I’ll see what we can do. In the meantime, just sit tight and do ya best to stay outta trouble.” Dec hangs up the phone, and after I tuck it back in my jeans, I do one last sweep of the place before I pull my hood back up and head out.

The rain’s really coming down now, and taking off my leather gloves to avoid looking suspicious, I check the coast is clear before I step out from the passage onto the cobbled street.

Keeping my hood up over my head, I watch the rain splash against the cobbles and decide to make a dash through it and head toward the main street. Squinting through the blanket of rain, I see a petite figure rushing right at me, and the red dress she’s wearing strikes bright among the dullness of the sky and the dark, narrow walls surrounding us. She makes me stop on my feet, just so I can appreciate the way her dark, brown hair soaks to her shoulders. I watch her stumble on her matching red heels and, for some reason, my arm instinctively reaches out to catch her.

“Thanks.” Her whisper is only just loud enough for me to hear through the downpour. A loud growl of thunder echoes the buildings around us, and when she stretches up her neck to look up at the sky, I watch how the raindrops slide over her delicate throat. She looks back at me and smiles, her long, thick lashes batting wildly to beat those raindrops away, and I swear I feel something inside me weaken.

“Shit!” She looks down at her shoes and quickly reaches down to pick up the broken heel from the ground. “I’ve only had these a week.” She sighs.

“Real-life problems, huh, Princess?” I snigger back at her before I move to head off. This pretty, little thing has innocence written all over her and Idid nottravel all this way to get myself into that kinda trouble.

“WAIT!” She calls out a little desperately, her perfectly manicured hand reaching out to my chest for balance, and my hands automatically grip her waist so I can hold her steady. There’s a trace of fear in her eyes when I drag her a little closer, but not the same kind I saw on Ed when I was turning his lights out. No, this is different. This is fear laced with thrill, and it looks damn fuckin’ hot on her.

I can see the girl’s privileged, a million miles apart from the girls we got back home. Despite the fresh smell of the rain, her expensive perfume still lingers in the air surrounding us. She’s not prepared for the downpour, and the dress she’s wearing, which I would bet my life on being designer, is pretty much soaked right through.

“You’re bleeding,” Her eyes glance up at my forehead and when I touch my fingers just above my eyebrow, I realize she’s right.

Fucker must have caught me with that glass he launched at my head. My adrenaline was pumping too much to notice.

“Ain’t nothin’,” I tell her, wiping my hand clean on my jeans.

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