Page 88 of Illicit Obsession

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“Ari?” His dark brows knitted together. “What the hell? Why are you tied to a chair? Where are we?”

“I don’t know. But it doesn’t look like a place you’d bring friends to.”

Jag shook his head. “It looks similar to where I held Peter, but it’s smaller.” A light went off in his eyes. “Motherfucker. I’ve been here before.”

My insides twisted into a million knots as I waited for him to talk. The silence between us continued to thicken until the entire room pulsed with the words we were both terrified to speak.

A door opened, and my attention landed on black combat boots as they thudded against the floor. Every cell in my body trembled while I dared look up into the face I had thought I’d dreamed about.

Half of his mouth curved in an evil smile. “Excellent. You’re both awake.”

Jagger gritted his teeth, his chest heaving with fury. “Fuck you.”

Psycho’s maniacal laughter bounced off the concrete walls. “Good to see you too, son. I see your shoulder is healing nicely.”

“How could you shoot your own son, you sick fuck,” I blurted before I could stop myself.

Psycho slowly walked to me, his hands folded behind his back. He leaned down, his nose nearly brushing mine.

“Don’t touch her, goddammit. I’ll do whatever you want, but don’t fucking touch her,” Jagger growled.

“He always loved you the most. Even more than his pops.” Psycho’s tongue flicked out and he licked my lips. Without thinking, I opened my mouth then chomped down on it as hard as I could. Startled, he jerked back, blood streaming down his chin. “Fucking bitch.”

I wished I’d been able to cut his tongue clean off, but he could still talk, which meant I’d failed.

I never saw his hand coming as he hit the side of my head with his fist.

A scream tore from my throat as the pain blinded me. Jagger’s muffled voice broke through the fog, but I couldn’t make out his words. For now, I decided to shut up and pretend to be unconscious.

“What the fuck do you want?” Jagger hissed.

“Can’t a father have some quality time with his son?” Psycho asked.

“You call kidnapping me father and son time?”

I eyed Psycho’s boots through my hair that was covering my face as they moved around the room.

“You walked right into it. I couldn’t have arranged it better.”

Jagger full-on snorted. “You planned for Ari and me to stay at Gunner’s, or are you talking out of your ass and had one of your men follow us?”

“I didn’t tail you. I also didn’t shoot you.” Psycho tsked. “Thought you had that part figured out. It’s clear to me that I didn’t teach you very well the first time. Maybe we’ll get it right while you’re here.”

“If you didn’t put a bullet in my shoulder, who did? I’d like to have a little chat with the fucker.”

I held my breath, wondering if Psycho would reveal who had shot Jagger or if he was simply messing with his head.

A second set of heavy footsteps had me peeking in that direction.

“Meet your shooter, Jag.” Psycho cackled, and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

My heart folded in on itself as Jagger muttered his name, shock lacing his words.



It took everything inside me not to rip him to pieces, but even I knew I was completely helpless against Psycho and Tiny.

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